조금 늦은 저녁 길
– A little late evening road
나를 앞서 걷는 사람들
– People walking ahead of me
– I want to be happy.
느린 걸음 때문에
– Because of slow steps
내겐 늦는 걸까
– Is it too late for me?
안 오려는 걸까
– You’re not coming.
눈 감아보면 들리는 맘
– If you close your eyes, you can hear it.
샘내듯 갖고 싶던 다른 내일
– Another tomorrow that I wanted to have like a fountain.
또 하루만 또 하루만
– Another day, another day.
미뤄놓은 약속
– Delayed Promises
긴 밤은 나무라듯
– The long night is like a tree.
잠을 청해
– Ask for sleep.
소란스런 사랑도
– Raucous love too
무덤덤한 잦은 이별도
– Frequent parting with the grave
알게 될까
– I’ll find out.
나의 꿈이 게을러 겨우 한 뼘 자란
– My dream was lazy and I grew up with only one bone
갖고 싶단 욕심
– I want to have it.
저 쏟아지는 햇살 위로
– Up in that pouring sunshine
눈부신 나의 꿈도 피어나길
– May my dazzling dreams bloom
또 미루고 또 미루다 지쳐버린 날들
– The days when I was tired of procrastinating again and procrastinating again
오늘은 어제보다 행복하길
– May today be happier than yesterday
저 쏟아지는 햇살위로
– With that pouring sunshine
눈부신 나의 꿈도 피어나길
– May my dazzling dreams bloom
또 미루고 또 미루다 지쳐버린 날들
– The days when I was tired of procrastinating again and procrastinating again
오늘은 어제보다 행복하길
– May today be happier than yesterday

LEE SUHYUN – My Spring Korean Lyrics English Translations
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