Yay, yay
– Yay, yay
See, I just wanna share the vibe with ya
– See, I just wanna share the vibe with ya
우리가 십년 뒤에도 음악을 하고 있다면
– If we’re doing music in a decade
과연 없어질까 너와 내 problems? Yeah, yeah
– Will it ever go away from you and my problems? Yeah, yeah
난 모두가 잘 되길 빌어
– I want everyone to be good.
이 말이 거짓말 같다 해도
– Even if this sounds like a lie.
확실한 건 더 이상 상처를 주기 싫어
– The only thing that’s clear is I don’t want to hurt you anymore.
For real, yeah
– For real, yeah
‘Cause nobody’s perfect, I know it, 이제 와서 보니
– ‘Cause nobody’s perfect, I know it, now come and see
세상이 우릴 만들었다는 생각이 들어, 물론 I hurt you bad
– I think the world made us, of course, I hurt you bad
얻은 것보다도 잃은 게 많은 것 같아
– I think I’ve lost more than I’ve gained.
사실 너도 알잖아 that we can’t go back
– Actually, you know, that we can’t go back.
당장엔 바꿀 수 없다는 것도 알아
– I know you can’t change it right now.
시간이 모든 것을 해결해 주지는 않아
– Time doesn’t solve everything.
그래도 말이야 더는 걱정하지 말아
– But don’t worry anymore.
모든 게 지나면 웃으면서 보자
– After everything, let’s laugh.
Meet me in Montauk, good night
– Meet me in Montauk, good night
내일이 오면 사라져 버릴 것들에게
– To the things that will disappear when tomorrow comes
더 이상은 정을 주지 말자
– Let’s not give it any more justice.
내일이 오면 아무 일 없던 것처럼 다 사라질 거야
– When tomorrow comes, it’ll all disappear like nothing happened.
너무 걱정 말자 (여기 지하 방은 너무 어두워)
– Let’s not worry too much (The basement room here is too dark)
For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
– For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
(여기 바퀴벌레 좀 잡아줘)
– (Get the cockroaches here.)
For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
– For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
(살려줘 여기 사람 살아요)
– (Save me. People live here.)
추운 겨울이 지나야 봄이 오겠지
– After the cold winter, spring will come.
그때 난 손목으로 시계를 보겠지
– Then I’ll look at the watch with my wrist.
난 시계를 보겠지 우리 다시 만나기를 원했듯이
– I’ll look at the clock, as if we wanted to meet again.
이 또한 지나가지 내 열두시가
– This also passes by my twelve o’clock
And I just wanna share the vibe with ya
– And I just wanna share the vibe with ya
친구는 떠나고 나 혼자 남아
– Friends leave and I remain alone
I don’t wanna be alone but 다들 살아 남기도 바빠
– I don’t wanna be alone but everyone’s busy surviving.
닮아 가지 모두가 like boy, you better pay me proper
– Like boy, you better pay me proper
그래 나도 알아, 영원한 건 없잖아
– Yeah, I know, there’s nothing eternal.
당연하다고 믿어왔지만, 생각보다도 외로웠지
– I believed it was natural, but I was lonelier than I thought.
이걸 어른이라고 부른다지만 절대로 익숙해질 리 없지
– I call this an adult, but I’ll never get used to it.
너와도 연락이 뜸해졌지 서로 가는 길이 멀어져
– I’ve been in touch with you, and the way we’re going is far from each other.
I’ve been on the low, 가끔은 아무라도
– I’ve been on the low, sometimes.
괜찮으니 내게 걸어줬으면 하지 안부 전화라도, yeah
– I’m fine, so I want you to hang me up. Hello, call me, yeah.
시간을 돌린다면, 후회할 순간이 많아
– If you turn the time around, there are plenty of moments to regret.
내 생각과 달라진 하루하루가
– Day after day, which is different from my thoughts
숨 막히지만 어제가 오늘이 될 순 없으니까
– It’s breathtaking, but yesterday can’t be today.
내일이 온다면 예전과는 달라지길
– If tomorrow comes, it will be different from what it used to be.
언젠가 너와 만나서 옛날 얘기하듯이
– Like I met you one day and talked to you about the old days.
쉽게 꺼냈으면 해 난 말했으면 해
– I want you to get it out easily. I want you to tell me.
오늘이 무사히 지나가기를 나는 기도해
– I pray that today will pass safely.
형들이 안 싸우기를 내가 너무 동경했던
– I was so longing for my brothers not to fight.
그 자리에는 가시방석이 날 맞이했어
– There was a thorn cushion in the place that greeted me.
나는 앉는 법을 배워 어른이 되는 과정
– I learn to sit and become an adult
얘랑 친하면 걔랑은 절대 친할 수 없다고 난
– If you’re close to her, you’ll never be close to her.
내일 아침처럼 아무 생각이 없다
– Like tomorrow morning, I have no idea.
두 팔을 크게 벌려 기지개를 켰다
– He stretched his arms wide open.
정신을 차려보니 아무도 없었던
– When I tried to make up my mind, no one was there.
나의 어제는 빠르게 지나 내일이 됐으면
– If my yesterday passed quickly, it would have been tomorrow.
해 뜨고 해지고
– The sun is rising and becoming
해지는 나의 신발
– Getting my shoes
난 가진 것이 없이 여기 왔고
– I came here without anything.
많이 해쳐먹어도 내 친구들은 아직 아파
– Even if you hurt me a lot, my friends are still sick.
해 뜨고 해지고
– The sun is rising and becoming
해지는 나의 신발
– Getting my shoes
난 그만하고 나가고 싶어
– I want to stop and get out.
여기 지하방은 너무 어두워
– The basement here is so dark.
내일이 오면 사라져 버릴것 들에게
– To those who will disappear when tomorrow comes
더 이상은 정을 주지 말자, oh, oh
– Let’s not give it any more, oh, oh
내일이 오면 아무 일 없던 것처럼 다 사라질 거야
– When tomorrow comes, it’ll all disappear like nothing happened.
너무 걱정 말자 (여기 지하 방은 너무 어두워)
– Let’s not worry too much (The basement room here is too dark)
For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
– For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
(여기 바퀴벌레 좀 잡아줘)
– (Get the cockroaches here.)
For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
– For every night, there’s a brighter day, it’ll be okay
(살려줘 여기 사람 살아요)
– (Save me. People live here.)
Tomorrow, tomorrow
– Tomorrow, tomorrow
눈을 감고 노랠 부르면
– When you close your eyes and sing a song
몰랐던 답들이 내게 다가와 손을 건네고
– The answers I didn’t know came up to me and handed me my hand.
보지 못했던 감동을 너는 보게 될 거야, it’s alright
– You’ll see a touch you didn’t see, it’s alright

lIlBOI Feat. GIRIBOY & BIG Naughty – Tomorrow Korean Lyrics English Translations
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