Haríamos tan buena pareja
– We would make such a good couple
Paseándonos por todos lados
– Walking around everywhere
Seríamos la envidia del barrio
– We would be the envy of the neighborhood
Ya Doña Ángela, quiere una nuera
– Now Dona Angela, she wants a daughter-in-law
Hace rato que te estoy mirando
– I’ve been looking at you for a while
Esto ya no puedo controlarlo
– I can’t control this anymore
Yo que era un Cristóbal Colón
– I who was a Christopher Columbus
Tú me has conquistado
– You have conquered me
Eres perfecta
– You’re perfect
Al menos para mí, perfecta
– At least for me, perfect
Estoy embobado, mirando tu piel
– I’m gobsmacked, staring at your skin
Imaginando, lo que vamos a hacer
– Imagining, what we’re going to do
Eres perfecta
– You’re perfect
Al menos para mí, perfecta
– At least for me, perfect
Te doy cinco estrellas, de pies a cabeza
– I give you five stars, from head to toe
Y hoy me arrodillo ante tanta belleza
– And today I kneel before such beauty
Eres lo que el doctor me está recomendando
– You are what the doctor is recommending to me
Tienes la medida justa para mi tamaño
– You have just the right measurement for my size
Te juro, hermosa, que no te estoy chamuyando
– I swear, beautiful, that I’m not shamuying you
En estos tiempo’ enamorarse no hace daño
– These days ‘falling in love doesn’t hurt
Por ti, yo bloquearía todo el Instagram, por ti
– For you, I would block the whole Instagram, for you
Pondría en mi perfil que solo soy de ti
– I would put in my profile that I am only from you
Solo por ti, solo por ti
– Just for you, just for you
Por ti, yo bloquearía todo el Instagram, por ti
– For you, I would block the whole Instagram, for you
Pondría en mi perfil que solo soy de ti
– I would put in my profile that I am only from you
Solo por ti, solo por ti
– Just for you, just for you
Hace rato que te estoy mirando
– I’ve been looking at you for a while
Esto ya no puedo controlarlo
– I can’t control this anymore
Yo que era un Cristóbal Colón
– I who was a Christopher Columbus
Tú me has conquistado
– You have conquered me
Eres perfecta
– You’re perfect
Al menos para mí, perfecta
– At least for me, perfect
Estoy embobado, mirando tu piel
– I’m gobsmacked, staring at your skin
Imaginando lo que vamos a hacer
– Imagining what we’re going to do
Eres perfecta
– You’re perfect
Al menos para mí, perfecta
– At least for me, perfect
Te doy cinco estrellas, de pies a cabeza
– I give you five stars, from head to toe
Y hoy me arrodillo ante tanta belleza
– And today I kneel before such beauty
Oh, oh, oh, oh
– Oh, oh, oh, oh
Eres perfecta
– You’re perfect
Dios mío, qué mujer tan bella
– My God, what a beautiful woman
Estoy embobado, mirando tu piel
– I’m gobsmacked, staring at your skin
Imaginando lo que vamos a hacer
– Imagining what we’re going to do
Eres perfecta
– You’re perfect
Al menos para mí, perfecta
– At least for me, perfect
Te doy cinco estrellas, de pies a cabeza
– I give you five stars, from head to toe
Y hoy me arrodillo ante tanta belleza, oh, oh
– And today I kneel before so much beauty, oh, oh
Me arrodillo ante tanta belleza
– I kneel before so much beauty

Luciano Pereyra – Eres Perfecta Spanish Lyrics English Translations
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