Bebé, yo te tengo un plan
– Baby, I have a plan for you.
Por si la rutina te cansa
– In case the routine tires you
Te invito a la playa descalza
– I invite you to the barefoot beach
Y de la vida descansas
– And from life you rest
Ven, que yo te invito a cervecita fría
– Come, I’ll buy you a cold beer
Con la compañía de un traguito al día
– With the company of one drink a day
Mi filosofía
– My philosophy
No me estreso, disfrutemos del proceso
– Don’t stress, let’s enjoy the process
Contigo siempre vacaciones
– With you always holidays
Tequila por montones
– Tequila by the lot
Pa’ que no pare la fiesta
– So that the party doesn’t stop
Yo te pongo las canciones
– I put the songs on you
Contigo ‘e vacaciones
– With you and holidays
Bailamos en los balcones
– We dance on the balconies
Dale, baby, no te vayas
– Come on, baby, don’t go.
Que esto apenas se compone
– That this is hardly composed
(Manuel Turizo)
– (Michael Kors)
Como tú y yo ya no nacen
– As you and I are no longer born
O sea, nos parecemos más que Cartagena y el viejo San Juan
– I mean, we look more like Cartagena and old San Juan
Lluvia cayendo y la cama moja’
– Rain falling and bed wetting’
Tiempo corriendo y (siempre nos dan la mano)
– Time running and (always shake hands)
Por la playa hasta que se haga de noche
– On the beach till nightfall
Robándote besos desde los catorce
– Stealing kisses since I was fourteen
Tú me tienes loco, mami, eso yo lo sé
– You have me crazy, mommy, I know that
Cuando estoy solo sigo oyendo tus voces
– When I’m alone I keep hearing your voices
Pa’ la playa hasta que se haga de noche
– To the beach until it gets dark
Baby, te quiero desde el 2014
– Baby, I love you since 2014
Tú me tienes loco, mami, eso yo lo sé
– You have me crazy, mommy, I know that
Sigo oyendo toa’ tus voces
– I keep hearing toa ‘ your voices
Contigo siempre vacaciones
– With you always holidays
Tequila por montones
– Tequila by the lot
Pa’ que no pare la fiesta
– So that the party doesn’t stop
Yo te pongo las canciones
– I put the songs on you
Contigo ‘e vacaciones
– With you and holidays
Bailando en los balcones
– Dancing on the balconies
Dale, baby, no te vayas
– Come on, baby, don’t go.
Que esto apenas se compone
– That this is hardly composed
Ven, que yo te invito a cervecita fría
– Come, I’ll buy you a cold beer
Buena compañía y un traguito al día
– Good company and a drink a day
Tu boca y la mía
– Your mouth and mine
Dame un beso, disfrutemos del proceso
– Give me a kiss, let’s enjoy the process
Contigo siempre vacaciones
– With you always holidays
Tequila por montones
– Tequila by the lot
Pa’ que no pare la fiesta
– So that the party doesn’t stop
Yo te pongo las canciones
– I put the songs on you
Contigo ‘e vacaciones
– With you and holidays
Bailando en los balcones
– Dancing on the balconies
Dale, baby, no te vayas
– Come on, baby, don’t go.
Que esto apenas se compone
– That this is hardly composed
– F. A. Q.
Manuel Turizo
– Mr. Liuhuabing

Luis Fonsi & Manuel Turizo – Vacaciones Spanish Lyrics English Translations
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