MAISONdes Feat. Tani Yuuki & Kei Sugawara – Cheers Japanese Lyrics English Translations

乾杯しよう さぁ肩に乗った荷物は 一旦置いておいてさ
– let’s toast. now, leave the luggage on your shoulder for a while.
– i don’t have 2 of the same ones. cheers to every encounter.

琥珀色の月 塞いだ口 溢れ出す感情に
– The amber moon blocked the mouth overflowing emotions
泳ぎ慣れた街 灯る光に 賑わうは人だかり
– The city where you are used to swimming is crowded with people in the light of the lights
夢現の星 灰色の森 滲み出す感傷に
– The stars of the Dream vision in the gray forest oozing sentimentality
喉の渇き 重たい目に 空腹の三拍子
– thirsty, heavy eyes, hungry triplets.

最低な聖者の行進 待っていた停滞した秒針
– The procession of the lowest saint Waited for a stagnant second hand
再現した正解をひとくち 今限界を合図に
– the correct answer that i reproduced is a signal to the limit now

乾杯しよう さぁ肩にのった 荷物は一旦置いておいてさ
– let’s toast. now, leave the luggage on your shoulder for a while.
すり減らした笑顔も今日は 僕らが全て取り返す番だ
– it’s our turn to get everything back today.
取りこぼした愚痴やケンカに %すらも分かち合ってさ
– i even shared % of my complaints and fights with them.
朝の光へと変えてきたんだ 僕らの出会いに乾杯を
– i’ve turned it into a morning light. toast to our meeting.

350mlに 揺れる気持ち 弾ける泡のように
– Like a bubble that can shake in 350ml
増えてく青い鳥 未読の文字 映える物語
– The blue bird is increasing The unread character shining story

繊細な贅沢を理想に 最適な選択を思考し
– think of the perfect choice for the ideal of delicate luxury
些細な話題を希望に 今敬愛を合図に
– To hope for a trivial topic to signal respect and love now

乾杯しよう さぁ型にはまった 常識は一旦置いておいてさ
– let’s have a toast. let’s just leave the common sense that’s stuck in the mold.
流し込んだ言葉も伝えた 今度は君が打ち返す番だ
– i gave you the words you poured in. now it’s your turn to hit back.
惚れた腫れた重ねた恋愛に 反省と無駄も分かち合ってさ
– i fell in love with a swollen, layered love, and shared my reflection and waste.
夜の帳へと変えてきたんだ 僕らの願いに乾杯を
– i’ve turned it into a book of the night, and i’ll toast to our wishes.

ここで起きた全てを 裏表に刻む音
– the sound of everything that happened here on the back and forth
うやむやに混ざる頃 帰りたくないのと
– i don’t want to go home when i get mixed up.
形の無いなにかを 共に過ごした確かを
– i’m sure we’ve spent some formless time together.
– i wanted to protect you.

いつかばらばらに散っていった 僕らはうまくやれてるだろうか?
– will we be doing well?
やっぱ寂しいもんだなってさ そんなのわかってたつもりなんだ
– i thought i was lonely after all. i thought i knew that.
競い合って 慰め合っては また強くなれることに気づいた
– i realized that competing and comforting can make me stronger again.
いつの間にか居場所になった 僕らの出会いに乾杯を
– a toast to our meeting, where we have become a place before we know it.
– to the world.

– cheers.
乾杯しようさぁ 肩に乗った荷物は一旦置いておいてさ
– let’s toast. now, leave the luggage on your shoulder for a while.
– it’s our turn to get everything back today.
– i even overturned the % to the bitches and fights that i got rid of.
– i’ve turned it into the light of tomorrow, to toast to our meeting.





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