Manuel Turizo – Te Olvido Spanish Lyrics English Translations

En darme una explicación
– To give me an explanation
No te molestes
– Don’t bother.
Si cuando estés sola
– If when you’re alone
Piensas en pedirme perdón
– You’re thinking about asking for my forgiveness.

Yo no espero que lo intentes
– I don’t expect you to try.
Solo acuérdate de todo
– Just remember everything
Lo que yo aposté por ti
– What I bet on you
Tú Lo tiraste a la muerte
– You threw him to death
Nada te importó
– Nothing mattered to you
El valor que yo te di
– The value I gave you
En engaños terminó
– In deception ended

Por qué era necesario
– Why it was necessary
Llegar a este punto
– Getting to this point
No te ensañaron
– They didn’t teach you.
A no mentirle a la gente
– To not lie to people
Decías que tú y yo
– You said that you and I
Siempre íbamos a estar juntos
– We were always gonna be together.
Y la verdad resultó
– And the truth turned out
Ser muy diferente
– Be very different

Tú decidiste darle
– You decided to give him
Largas a este asunto
– Long to this matter
Yo preguntaba
– I was asking.
Y te hacías la indiferente
– And you were being indifferent
Si ya sé toda la verdad
– If I already know the whole truth
Pa’ qué pregunto
– What do I ask?
Yo vi de frente
– I saw straight ahead

En una noche te olvido
– In one night I forget you
Vete con todas tus explicaciones
– Go with all your explanations
Yo vi que estaba contigo
– I saw I was with you
Y no es culpable de sus decisiones
– And he’s not guilty of his decisions.
En una noche te olvido
– In one night I forget you

Pa’ seguir creyéndote
– To keep believing you
No hay razones
– No reason
Yo vi que estaba contigo
– I saw I was with you
Y no es culpable de sus decisiones
– And he’s not guilty of his decisions.

No pierdo tiempo en el que no me quiera
– I don’t waste time when you don’t love me
Cada cual a su manera
– Each in his own way
Duele pero por amor
– It hurts but for love
No hay nadie que antes se muriera
– There’s no one who died before
No me cojas de bufón
– Don’t take me as a jester

Era fácil ser sincera
– It was easy to be honest
Pero te importaba más
– But you cared more
Lo que la gente te dijera
– What people told you
Que hablaran de ti
– To talk about you
De ti de ti
– Of you of you

Esto ya no me lo aguanto
– I can’t stand this anymore.
El diablo se ve
– The devil looks
Aunque vista de santo
– Although view of saint
Me mientes lo sé
– You lie to me I know
Aunque lo tapes con encanto
– Although you cover it with charm
– Uohhh

Suficientes razones tengo para olvidarme
– I have enough reason to forget
De todos los besos que te di
– Of all the kisses I gave you
De las promesas que te hice
– Of the promises I made to you
Me retracto
– I take it back.
Y si otra persona me pregunta por ti
– And if someone else asks me about you
No me acuerdo si te vi
– I don’t remember if I saw you
Tú de mí no des ni un dato
– You don’t give me a tip

Suficientes razones tengo para olvidarme
– I have enough reason to forget
De todos los besos que te di
– Of all the kisses I gave you
De las promesas que te hice
– Of the promises I made to you
Me retracto
– I take it back.
Y si otra persona me pregunta por ti
– And if someone else asks me about you
No me acuerdo si te vi
– I don’t remember if I saw you
Tú de mí no des ni un dato
– You don’t give me a tip

En una noche te olvido
– In one night I forget you
Vete con todas tus explicaciones
– Go with all your explanations
Yo vi que estaba contigo
– I saw I was with you
Y no es culpable de sus decisiones
– And he’s not guilty of his decisions.

En una noche te olvido
– In one night I forget you
Pa’ seguir creyéndote
– To keep believing you
No hay razones
– No reason
Yo vi que estaba contigo
– I saw I was with you
Y no es culpable de sus decisiones
– And he’s not guilty of his decisions.

En Darme una explicación
– To give me an explanation
No te molestes
– Don’t bother.
Si cuando estés sola
– If when you’re alone
Piensas en pedirme perdón
– You’re thinking about asking for my forgiveness.
Yo no espero que lo intentes
– I don’t expect you to try.

Solo acuérdate de todo
– Just remember everything
Lo que yo aposté por ti
– What I bet on you
Tú Lo tiraste a la muerte
– You threw him to death
Nada te importó
– Nothing mattered to you
El valor que yo te di
– The value I gave you
En engaños terminó
– In deception ended

Por qué era necesario
– Why it was necessary
Llegar a este punto
– Getting to this point
No te ensañaron
– They didn’t teach you.
A no mentirle a la gente
– To not lie to people

Decías que tú y yo
– You said that you and I
Siempre íbamos a estar juntos
– We were always gonna be together.
Y la verdad resultó
– And the truth turned out
Ser muy diferente
– Be very different

Tú decidiste darle
– You decided to give him
Largas a este asunto
– Long to this matter
Yo preguntaba
– I was asking.
Y te hacías la indiferente
– And you were being indifferent
Si ya sé toda la verdad
– If I already know the whole truth
Pa’ que pregunto
– I wonder
Yo vi de frente
– I saw straight ahead

En una noche te olvido
– In one night I forget you
Vete con todas tus explicaciones
– Go with all your explanations
Yo vi que estaba contigo
– I saw I was with you
Y no es culpable de sus decisiones
– And he’s not guilty of his decisions.

En una noche te olvido
– In one night I forget you
Pa’ seguir creyéndote
– To keep believing you
No hay razones
– No reason
Yo vi que estaba contigo
– I saw I was with you
Y no es culpable de sus decisiones
– And he’s not guilty of his decisions.






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