I found the way to let you leave
– I found the way to let you leave
I never really had it coming
– I never really had it coming
I can’t be in the sight of you
– I can’t be in the sight of you
I want you to stay away from my heart
– I want you to stay away from my heart
너희 집 앞으로 가고 있어
– I’m going forward to your house.
빨리 전화 받어
– Get the call quickly.
내가, 아파서 죽을 것 같거든?
– I think I’m going to die because I’m sick?
너 못 보면, 내가 진짜 죽을 것 같애
– If I don’t see you, I really think I’m going to die.
전화 좀 받아줘 1분만
– Get me a phone call. Just one minute.
내 말 좀 들어줘 봐 잠깐만
– Listen to me. Wait a minute.
죽을 것 같애서 난 숨도 못 쉬어
– I can’t breathe because I think I’m going to die.
나 좀 살자 제발 한 번만
– Let me live, please. Just once.
너의 집 앞에서 네 시간째
– Four hours in front of your house
찢어지는 내 맘 넌 모른 채
– My heart is torn, you don’t know.
웃고 있니 행복하니
– Are you laughing, are you happy?
모든 추억과 날 버린 채
– All memories and me have been abandoned.
아프고 숨이 막히는 침묵
– Aching, breathless silence
어느새 내 눈물을 가려버린 빗물
– The rainwater that obscured my tears imperceptibly
머리에서 발끝까지 소름이 끼칠 듯
– It’s creepy from head to toe.
내 피가 솟구치는 기분
– I feel like my blood is welling up.
중독된 것처럼
– Like addicted
하루종일 온통 고통스런
– Painful all over the day
But she’s gone
– But she’s gone
바라보는 너의 시선 그리워
– I miss your gaze.
That’s why sing this song
– That’s why sing this song
제발 지옥 같은 여기서 날 꺼내줘
– Please get me out of here like hell.
이게 꿈이라면 어서 날 깨워줘
– If this is a dream, wake me up.
모든 것이 다 거짓말이라고 해줘
– Tell me everything is a lie.
내게 말해줘 말해줘 나 살 수 있게
– Tell me, tell me, so I can live.
I found the way to let you leave
– I found the way to let you leave
I never really had it coming
– I never really had it coming
I can’t be in the sight of you
– I can’t be in the sight of you
I want you to stay away from my heart
– I want you to stay away from my heart
Every day and night
– Every day and night
난 술에 만취
– I’m drunk.
마음이 안심하는 것도 잠시
– It’s also a moment of reassurance
시간이 약이면 왜 낫질 않지
– If time is about, why doesn’t it get better?
이럴 순 없어, 이건 사랑의 반칙
– You can’t do this, this is a foul of love.
미안해, 난 참 욕심이 많아
– I’m sorry. I’m so greedy.
수면제도 나를 돕지를 않아
– Sleeping doesn’t help me.
밤낮이 바껴 니 생각마다
– Night and day change, every thought of you.
이리저리 돌아다녀 몸부림치나 봐
– I’m walking around. I’m writhing.
하늘이 내게 내린 벌인가
– Is Heaven a punishment for me?
아님 그리 쉽게 나를 버릴까
– Or do you throw me away so easily
억지로 누군가를 사랑하며 또 살아갈까
– Do you love someone again?
별들 사이를 누비고 내 맘을 노래로 채우고
– I lay among the stars, and I filled my mind with songs.
Don’t leave, let me freeze
– Don’t leave, let me freeze
날 좀 도와줘, Help me please
– Help me, Help me please
제발 지옥 같은 여기서 날 꺼내줘
– Please get me out of here like hell.
이게 꿈이라면 어서 날 깨워줘
– If this is a dream, wake me up.
모든 것이 다 거짓말이라고 해줘
– Tell me everything is a lie.
내게 말해줘 말해줘 나 살 수 있게
– Tell me, tell me, so I can live.
I found the way to let you leave
– I found the way to let you leave
I never really had it coming
– I never really had it coming
I can’t be in the sight of you
– I can’t be in the sight of you
I want you to stay away from my heart
– I want you to stay away from my heart
구름처럼 사라진 꿈
– Dreams that disappeared like clouds
불같던 사랑꾼
– Fiery Lovebirds
죽을 만큼 아픈
– Sick enough to die
나도 너만큼 살길 바랄 뿐
– I just want you to live as long as I can.
구름처럼 사라진 꿈
– Dreams that disappeared like clouds
불같던 사랑꾼
– Fiery Lovebirds
죽을 만큼 아픈
– Sick enough to die
나도 너만큼 살길 바랄 뿐
– I just want you to live as long as I can.
I don’t want you to leave
– I don’t want you to leave
나를 두고 가지 마
– Don’t leave me.
정말 끝이라고 내게 말하지 마
– Don’t tell me it’s really the end.
단 하루조차도 너 없인 살 수 없어
– I can’t live without you for even a single day.
I want you back, want you back into my life
– I want you back, want you back into my life
I found the way to let you leave
– I found the way to let you leave
I never really had it coming
– I never really had it coming
I can’t be in the sight of you
– I can’t be in the sight of you
I want you to stay away from my heart
– I want you to stay away from my heart
구름처럼 사라진 꿈
– Dreams that disappeared like clouds
불같던 사랑꾼
– Fiery Lovebirds
죽을 만큼 아픈
– Sick enough to die
나도 너만큼 살길 바랄 뿐
– I just want you to live as long as I can.
구름처럼 사라진 꿈
– Dreams that disappeared like clouds
불같던 사랑꾼
– Fiery Lovebirds
죽을 만큼 아픈
– Sick enough to die
나도 너만큼 살길 바랄 뿐
– I just want you to live as long as I can.
하늘이 내게 내린 벌인가
– Is Heaven a punishment for me?
아님 그리 쉽게 나를 버릴까
– Or do you throw me away so easily
억지로 누군가를 사랑하며 또 살아갈까
– Do you love someone again?
별들 사이를 누비고 내 맘을 노래로 채우고
– I lay among the stars, and I filled my mind with songs.
Don’t leave, let me freeze
– Don’t leave, let me freeze
날 좀 도와줘, Help me please
– Help me, Help me please
빈집이 되어버린 섬에 넌 날 가둬놨어
– You locked me on an island that became an empty house.
난 그 섬에 널 기다리고 있어
– I’m waiting for you on that island.
죽을 만큼 아프다고 해도
– Even if you’re sick enough to die.
죽을 때까지 기다릴 거야
– I’m gonna wait until I die.
기다릴 거야
– I’m gonna wait.

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