Mduduzi Ncube Feat. Zakwe & Zamo Cofi – Langa Linye Lyrics English Translations

Ngelanga linye kolunga konke
– All in one sun olunge
Kobe ngathi akaze kwabheda lutho
– And in that we shed mmabatho
Ndizwe kahle moya wami, kuyoshitsha izinto
– Ah me I’m in the spirit, the things kuyoshitsha
Kushintsh’ izinto kushints’ izinhliziyo
– Kushintsh’ kushints things’ izinhliziyo

Nxa ngibuyela ekhaya, simo sami soshitsha
– Because of the ngibuyela home, which soshitsha status
Qunqe phansi ngedolo thembe wona mkhululeko
– Hope this phansi Qunqe mkhululeko orders
Uzongipha amandla
– Power Uzongipha
Jesu uhlezi unamu, mpilo yami ayipheli la
– I uhlezi Jesu, yami does not end the health
Apho ukhona ungipha amandla
– Where there is a power ungipha
Uze ugcinele umama ekhaya
– Mother and keep in the home
Uhlala ekholwa kuthi sizoshitsha
– Sizoshitsha you live in the us
Ngelanga linye, kolunga konke
– One with the sun, all olunge
Kobe ngathi akaze kwabheda lutho
– And in that we shed mmabatho
Ndizwe kahle moya wami
– Ah me in spirit and I
Kuyoshitsha izinto, kuyoshitsha izinto
– Kuyoshitsha things, things kuyoshitsha
Kuyoshitsha izinhliziyo
– Kuyoshitsha izinhliziyo

Imicabango incidezela iphepha ngomsizi
– Page ngomsizi Imicabango incidezela
Bathoba inhliziyo bambiza ngomsizi
– Inhliziyo ngomsizi pot obey
Langa linye ungalindele lophela lolusuku
– One day the sun and wait for the year ended
Ungacabangi kuyeka mkhululeko noma ubona engathi awsizi
– Never cease to see if gnome mkhululeko awsizi Ungacabangi
Baba ngisize isakhalo sami kulesi sizwe basizwe
– The site to which this nation become the national isakhalo
Ngiyavuma siyizoni mabesibizela enkonzweni asizi
– We will siyizoni enkonzweni mabesibizela Ngiyavuma
Nokwenyanga kohlala inyangana kwande usizi
– We will sit Nokwenyanga increase inyangana
Sikhohlwe kukhuleka kumdali athumele ingelosi kithi
– Sikhohlwe to grow in the creator send the angel said
Isibonelo esihle kithi uwena
– Descending into the said Isibonelo
Mduduzi konke uqale ushaya isingingci ngaphandle komuzi
– Mduduzi all started out komuzi ushaya isingingci
Kwase ukhalisa isingingci esikulethe kulomuzi
– Cry it esikulethe isingingci kulomuzi
Sibonge ku big zulu nimakoya ababelievele kuwe nawe
– Big praise to heaven yes you ababelievele nimakoya
Mntakama ngiyacela ungalilalahli ithemba okwabantu abansundu
– Hope abansundu ungalilalahli ngiyacela after the manner of men birds
Akwaze kwalula ukuthola kwethu amandla
– Us from the power of simple
Kumele siqale sibheke emumva, ukubheka kwethu
– Should we go back we started, go to our
Emumvu ikhona kosiletheda ifuture
– Ifuture kosiletheda Emumvu again

Ngelanga linye kolunga konke
– All in one sun olunge
Kobe ngathi akaze kwabheda lutho
– And in that we shed mmabatho
Ndizwe khale moya wami, kuyoshitsha izinto
– I will write to me the spirit, the things kuyoshitsha
Kuyoshitsha izinto kuyoshitsha izinhliziyo
– Kuyoshitsha izinhliziyo things kuyoshitsha

Aw sikhulekela ithemba, impela bayabusiswa othemba
– We hope to grow and w, hope you bayabusiswa
Labo likujehova ngoba uNkulunkulu kwesinye iskhathi uphila
– UNkulunkulu likujehova iskhathi because one of their live
Njengenhlansi yethemba kubo ngaphakathi impilo ngiyifanisa
– A place of hope inside that health Njengenhlansi ngiyifanisa
Nosuku ekseni kuyakhanya ntambama kumbyama khona namhlanje
– Okse to the requestor and again today kuyakhanya kumbyama
Ifana nesimo sezulu iyashitshashitsha kodwa ngelinye ilanga
– But like the air and the sun on the status iyashitshashitsha
Kuyokhanya ngakimi izinto ziyoshitsha ngikhulekela
– Ngikhulekela things stand Kuyokhanya ziyoshitsha
Umama ekhaya kungathi makukhanya kimi kuye libe selimshonele
– Mother makukhanya him stand as if my home is selimshonele
Usekhuleke kakhulu ekhulekele lempilo esingayazi izolo
– Esingayazi Usekhuleke very health growing yesterday
Bengifunda ngathola neziqu kodwa namhlanje
– Ngathola themselves but have read today
Ngiphila ngekhona ngibhala inkonglo
– Write inkonglo live without you
Name akhlolwa ufakazi ukuthi kusasa
– Reviewed in the morning and say me ufakazi
Kuzokhanya lenkondlo eyabazukulu besizukulwane sami
– Generation me and the Kuzokhanya lenkondlo eyabazukulu
Esebelahlekelwe yithemba nkosi yami uthi noma
– Yami says the lord gnome yithemba Esebelahlekelwe
Sebebuka phansi emhlabeni bengalinge
– May the earth phansi Sebebuka
Bebuyisele okubi ngokubi ngoba yibona
– Yibona evil because evil Bebuyisele
Abayophenduka abantu ababi phindebhala futhi cofi ngase ngabhala
– And these people Abayophenduka phindebhala and thereby wrote the fi

Ngelanga linye kolunga konke
– All in one sun olunge
Kobe ngathi akaze kwabheda lutho
– And in that we shed mmabatho
Ndizwe khale moya wami, kuyoshitsha izinto
– I will write to me the spirit, the things kuyoshitsha
Kuyoshitsha izinto kuyoshitsha izinhliziyo
– Kuyoshitsha izinhliziyo things kuyoshitsha





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