Metro The Savage & Noa Kirel Feat. Boaz Van De Beatz – DALE PROMO Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Papi le meto de respeto
– Daddy I respect him
Baby si tú quieres, pues hacemos un reto
– Baby if you want, then we make a challenge
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Dale promo
– Give him promo

Ella lo mueve de respeto
– She moves him with respect
Baby si tú quieres, pues hacemos un reto
– Baby if you want, then we make a challenge
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Dale promo
– Give him promo

– Tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
– Tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok (Ajá)
– Move it tik-tok (Aha)
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok

Dime si tú quieres conocer
– Tell me if you want to know
Quien es la que tiene el poder
– Who is the one with the power
Aquí manda la mujer
– Here the woman rules
Con la combi de Chanel
– With the Chanel combi
Mala mía si el show me lo robé, eh, eh, eh
– Too bad if I stole the show, hey, hey, hey

Yo nunca viajo en escala
– I never travel by stopover
Donde camino se resbalan
– Where I walk they slip
Por eso me llaman la mala
– That’s why they call me the bad one
Yallah, yallah, yallah
– Yallah, yallah, yallah

Papi le meto de respeto
– Daddy I respect him
Baby si tú quieres, pues hacemos un reto
– Baby if you want, then we make a challenge
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Dale promo
– Give him promo

– Tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Dale promo
– Give him promo
– Tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok

Machuca, machuca, machuca
– Machuca, machuca, machuca
Vela’ como termina enuca’
– Candle ‘as it ends in love’
Van con toda la tuca
– They go with all the tuca
Ella me regala la cuca
– She gives me the cuckold
Se bebe la sambuca
– He drinks the sambuca
La bu, wait, wait
– The bu, wait, wait
Takita, takita, takita, wait, wait
– Takita, takita, takita, wait, wait
Se me pone explícita
– It makes me explicit
Sabe lo quiere porque es media psíquica
– She knows she wants it because she’s half psychic
Hace un ritual, parece que ella es mística
– She does a ritual, it seems that she is mystical
Ella es magnífica
– She is magnificent

Ella lo mueve de respeto
– She moves him with respect
Baby si tú quieres, pues hacemos un reto
– Baby if you want, then we make a challenge
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok

Dale promo
– Give him promo
– Tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok
Muévelo tik-tok
– Move it tik-tok

Nadie se va, gozando to’ se quedan
– No one leaves, enjoying to’ stay
Pidan en la barra pa’ que todos beban
– Ask at the bar for everyone to drink
Nadie se va, gozando to’ se quedan
– No one leaves, enjoying to’ stay
Pidan en la barra pa’ que todos beban
– Ask at the bar for everyone to drink





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