Думал копал, копал!
– I thought I was digging, digging!
Куда подевался напалм, напалм?
– Where’s the napalm gone, napalm?
Ну-ка подрывай за crew по делам
– Well, blow up for crew on business
Бездари, райзап, шум, балаган
– Mediocre, risap, noise, farce
Догорели фонари, норовит гасман
– The lanterns have burned out, Gasman is striving
Дать вам знать, раба-бам-бам-бам
– Let you know, slave-bam-bam-bam
Во дворах этикет и спам
– Etiquette and spam in courtyards
Эти петли зла некуда девать
– These loops of evil have nowhere to go
Вокруг замер накатили газ в пол
– Around froze gas rolled into the floor
Перезаливаем многоликий исход
– Perezalivaem many-sided outcome
Доброта губила меня неспроста
– Kindness ruined me for a reason
Будь уверен сам – это пьедестал
– Be sure yourself – this is a pedestal
Заруби на носу, badman
– Get it on your nose, badman
Я не сдамся! Come on! Сome on!
– I won’t give up! Come on! Come on!
Я не сдамся! Come on! Come on!
– I won’t give up! Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
– Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
– My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
– Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
– Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
– Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
– My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
– Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
– Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
– Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
Panda, Panda, Panda!
– Panda, Panda, Panda!
Все те лучи, что вокруг Панда собирает в лук
– All those rays that Panda collects around in a bow
На атаках ставит блок, на бандитов жмёт курок
– Puts a block on attacks, pulls the trigger on bandits
Я тот, кто ходит наперёд и мне не важен твой урок
– I’m the one who walks ahead and I don’t care about your lesson
Слушать много я устал, Панда – ум не по годам
– I’m tired of listening a lot, Panda is a mind beyond his years
Панда много, что сумел, хейтер мутит беспредел
– Panda did a lot of what he managed, Hayter is stirring up mayhem
Это кто такой простой, что при встрече побледнел?
– Who is so simple that he turned pale at the meeting?
На короне ваш пахан, твои суки прут на нал
– Your plowman is on the crown, your bitches are a rod on cash
Я стреляю из воздушки и иду по головам!
– I shoot from the air gun and go over the heads!
Панда залетает в банк, на лице колготки
– Panda flies into the bank, tights on her face
Со мной моя банда, мы проспали тренировки
– My gang is with me, we overslept training
Мы летаем, кружимся, нагоняем ужаса
– We are flying, circling, catching up with horror
Пацы, хватит тужится, Babylon разрушится
– Guys, stop pushing, Babylon will collapse
На грим, на крим натяну
– I’ll put on makeup, I’ll put on cream
Я тебе не сука, тут не пизжу
– I’m not a bitch to you, I’m not pissing here
Мне бы, пока дышим греть бы семью
– I would like to warm my family while we breathe
Мне бы разобраться со своей crew
– I would like to sort out my crew
Но годы забирают даже на старт
– But years take away even at the start
Простите за зло, простите за мат
– Sorry for the evil, sorry for the mate
Первая встреча – добрый обряд
– The first meeting is a good rite
Вовсе не значит, что я твой брат, сука
– Doesn’t mean I’m your brother, bitch.
My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
– My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
– Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
– Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
– Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
– My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
– Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
– Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
– Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
– My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
– Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
– Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
– Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
– My bloody rhythm move the sun – fuck the guns
Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
– Fuck the criminal, fuck the screaming gangs
Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
– Some people waiting for my sound, let me proud
Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
– Now I’m a freeman, I’m a woah-woah-woah-woah-wow
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!
Бонг бери, бери бонг!
– Take the bong, take the bong!

Miyagi & Andy Panda – Freeman Russian Lyrics English Translations
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