NCT DREAM – Dear Dream Korean Lyrics English Translations

방심했던 마음은 이제 깨서 보니깐
– My heart is broken now.
보이는 이 노래를 나중에
– Looks at this song later
돌아볼 때도 흐릿하지 않게
– Don’t be blurry when you look back.
지금을 진하게 칠하는 법도 빨리 알고 싶어
– I want to know how to paint the dark now quickly.
벌써 알지 않아도 되지만 아직도
– You don’t have to know already, but you still have to.
실감 못 하고 있지만
– I can’t realize it.
같이 탔던 차에 보인 창문 바깥처럼 주변
– Around like the outside of the window in the car we rode with
모두 다 looking like a blur 움직임 빨라
– All the looking like a blur movement Fast
어느새 우리도 차에 속도를 따라갔나 봐
– Somehow, we must have followed the speed in the car.
사실 근데 아직 그대로 멈춘듯해 in the past
– in the past
그때가 늘 내겐 그때로 hope it never fades out
– Hope it never fades out

낯선 시선 각자만의 길로만
– Only in the way of each stranger’s gaze
가다 보면 시선이 닿겠지 언젠간
– If you go, you’ll get your eyes on it. One day, you’ll see it.
적막 속이라도 서로의 목소리 닿겠지
– Even in the red film, they’ll touch each other’s voices.
우린 늘 그렇게 서로를 걱정하게 되겠지
– We’ll always worry about each other like that.
기억해 we are in touch
– Remember, we are in touch
늘 같은 시간 같은 자리 언제나 함께였던
– Always the same time, always the same place, always together
우리가 용기가 없어 전하지 못했던 말
– We don’t have the courage to say what we didn’t say.

(하고 싶었던 말) 이거 하나만 잊지 마
– (What I wanted to say) Don’t forget this one.
아주 먼 어느 밤
– Very distant one night
너를 위로할 별 하나
– One Star to comfort you
아마 나일 거야
– Maybe it’s me.

우리가 아닌 누구도 이해 못 할 크기로
– At a size that no one but us can understand.
넌 존재해 내 마음에
– You exist, in my heart.
I’ll be your home
– I’ll be your home
Ooh-oooh, ooh-oooh
– Ooh-oooh, ooh-oooh
I’ll be your home
– I’ll be your home

데려다줄게 널 되돌려줄게 널
– I’ll take you back. I’ll take you back.
돌고 돌아 추억 아닌 기억이 될 걸 알고 있어
– I know it’s going to be a memory, not a memory.
남아있는 미안함과 아쉬움
– Remaining Sorry and Sorry
밤낮 익숙지 못해 느꼈던 그리움
– The longing that I felt I couldn’t get used to day and night
Yeah, I know 시간이 말해주길
– Yeah, I know, time will tell.
You know 계속 걸어 빛 따라서 우린
– You know keep walking light Thus we
또 누군가의 꿈이었고 우리 서롤 don’t forget
– It was someone else’s dream, and we don’t forget
언제나 너의 곁에 있다는 거 you must know that
– You must know that I’m always with you

가끔은 생각해 현실이 꿈일 때
– Sometimes I think, when reality is a dream
우릴 위해 항상 웃던 갈매기가 걱정돼
– I’m worried about the seagulls who always laughed for us.
같은 배 타도 혼자 다른 바다라는 게
– The same ship is also called another sea alone
어차피 계속 내가 등의 기댈 등대 되어 줄 거니
– I’ll continue to be a lighthouse on my back anyway.
Yeah, this is fate, and that’s a fact
– Yeah, this is fate, and that’s a fact
너무 힘들 땐 네 초록빛이 돼 줄게
– I’ll be your green light when it’s too hard.
그 기쁜 맘을 깊게 간직한 다음 말해
– Keep that glad heart deep, and then tell me
Feel like what, we gon’ stay
– Feel like what, we gon’ stay

내가 했던 말 기억나
– I remember what I said.
오래 전 매일 밤
– A long time ago every night
나의 꿈에 본 나침판
– Compass seen in my dream
이젠 알아 너야
– Now I know it’s you.

지나고 보니 어렸던 그땐 참 커 보였던
– When I was young, I looked so big.
네 모습이 내 힘이 돼
– Your appearance is my strength.
I’ll be your home (I’ll be your home)
– I’ll be your home (I’ll be your home)
Ooh-oooh, ooh-oooh (yeah)
– Ooh-oooh, ooh-oooh (yeah)
I’ll be your home (hey)
– I’ll be your home (hey)

I’ll be your home (I’ll be yours)
– I’ll be your home (I’ll be yours)
Ooh-oooh, ooh-oooh (I’ll be yours)
– Ooh-oooh, ooh-oooh (I’ll be yours)
I’ll be yours
– I’ll be yours
I’ll be your home
– I’ll be your home
I’ll be your home
– I’ll be your home

흘러가는 것 중 이건 only one part
– This is only one part
적어도 돼 줄거라 믿어 이거 bookmark
– At least, I believe I’ll do it. This is bookmark.
흐름에 그대로 놔둘 때가 더 자연스러워
– It’s more natural to leave it in the flow.
But I don’t want this to sound like we’re about to depart
– But I don’t want this to sound like we’re about to depart
I’ll be your home
– I’ll be your home
If I ever get lost 티는 안 내려고 하겠지만
– If I ever get lost, I’m not going to give it a tee.
I’ma call back 부르는 내 tone을 잊지 말고
– Don’t forget my tone I’ma call back
언제든 외칠 땐 하던 대로
– Whatever you do when you shout at any time.
Hope we always feel like (I’ll be your home)
– Hope we always feel like (I’ll be your home)






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