Je l’ ovo Popov?
– Is this Popov?
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Pitaš: “Gde si, bebo?”
– You ask, “Where are you, baby? “
“Zašto opet lutaš?”
– ” Why are you wandering again?”
Gde sam bio, šta sam pio?
– Where have I been, what have I been drinking?
Bebi, zašto opet sumnjaš?
– Baby, why are you doubting again?
Stižem, ne znam do kad
– I’m coming, I don’t know when
Skijam i pijem do pet
– I ski and drink until five
Živim kao da znam
– I live as if I know
Da kraj mi je s dvadeset pet
– Yes, I’m finished with twenty-five
A klubovi su puni kad Nucci lupi pod
– And the clubs are full when Nucci knocks on the floor
Ide hit za hitom i ja se pitam dokle
– There is a hit for a hit, and I wonder how far
Ona je u bundi, na meni novi Moncler
– She’s wearing a fur coat, I’m wearing a new Montclair
Šalju mi fotke na čet’ri litre votke
– They sent me a photo for four liters of vodka.
I ribe što sam skidô na filmu nisi vidô
– And the fish that I skidô in the movie You are not vidô
Ja ovde tek sam stigô, a odavno te prestigô
– I’m only a stygo here, and you’ve been a prestigo for a long time.
Pričaš ti o meni, ma beži mi, druga ligo
– You’re talking about me.
Pola scene jebô, a da nije sе ni digô
– Half of the jebo scene, not even Digo
Sa nogu dve-tri rokne, kad zovem – skoknе
– With a leg of two or three rocknes, when I call-jumps
Pa kada dođe tu, ja okrenem je na bok je
– So when she comes here, I’ll turn her on her side
Skuvam kô njoke, pa tako dok ne
– I’m making gnocchi, so don’t
Budu mi mokre da ispravim im lokne
– They got wet so I fixed their puddles.
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Đavo tu na ramenu mi drema
– The devil is on my shoulder
Ali ne brini se što me kući nema
– But don’t worry, I’m not home.
U gradu svaka bi da bude žena
– Everyone in the city would like to be a woman
A kad pozovem, zaboravi da je verna
– And when I call, forget that it’s true.
Da bude pored mene, sa mnom bi da krene
– If he was next to me, he would have come with me
Tu do stana nova kola, nove felne, BMW
– There’s a new car in the apartment, new wheels, a BMW
Linije su bele, otvara mi Belve’
– The lines are white, Belve opens to me’
S tobom gubi vreme, Nucci puniće arene
– With you, he’s wasting time, Nucci will fill the arenas
Kako si mi besna, ma cela si mi besna
– You’re mad at me.
I kako si mi slatka, voziš me kô Fiesta
– And how cute you are to me, You drive me like a Fiesta
A ide gore-dole ona kô da je od testa
– And it goes up and down as if it is made of dough
Na moju ‘ziku skače kao da je od tiesta
– On my ZEKE jumps, as if it’s from tiesta
Pa samo čuješ (Skrrr), po par dana
– Well, you just hear (Skrrr), in a couple of days
I samo čuješ (Skrrr), ona opet s nama
– And you just hear (Skrrr), she’s back with us
I samo čuješ (Ne), ona neće s vama
– And you just hear (No), she won’t be with you
S tobom suva, pored mene je fontana (Prrr, prrr)
– Suva is with you, the fountain is next to me (Prrr, prrr)
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo
Nucci, Nucci, bebo
– Nucci, Nucci, bebo
Nucci, bebo, bebo
– Nucci, bebo, bebo

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