PNL – A L’ammoniaque French Lyrics English Translations

Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ouais, c’est le désert dans la te-tê
– Yeah, it’s the desert in the te-tê
J’remplace centimes par sentiments
– I have a lot of feelings
Mon cœur se transforme en billets
– My heart turns into tickets
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Inch’Allah, Inch’Allah, Inch’Allah
– Inch’Allah, Inch’Allah, Inch’Allah
Que Dieu nous pardonne pour nos crasses
– May God forgive us for our filth
Pour notre manque de compréhension
– For our lack of understanding
Envers l’Homme et sa putain de race
– Towards Man and his fucking breed
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
WAllah, wAllah, wAllah
– WAllah, wAllah, wAllah
Que j’aimerais leur tendre la main (mais)
– That I would like to reach out to them (but)
Mais, ces sauvages me la couperaient
– But, these savages would cut her off from me
Mettraient ça sur le dos de la faim
– Would put that on the back of hunger
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Une vision de paranoïa
– A vision of paranoia
Le corbeau remplace le chant du coq
– The crow replaces the crowing of the rooster
Un “je t’aime” coupé à l’ammoniaque
– A “I love you” cut with ammonia
Ou j’finis comme Manu Le Coq
– Or I end up like Manu The Cock
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

– Yemma
J’crois que personne ne vit sans regrets
– I believe that no one lives without regrets
Nous, on est tout le contraire de Piaf
– We are the complete opposite of Piaf
Cerveaux à chaud, le cœur baisse les degrés
– Brains hot, heart drops degrees
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À la vie, à la muerta
– To life, to the muerta
Le temps passera plus vite qu’hier
– Time will pass faster than yesterday
Le soleil se couchera dans la vallée
– The sun will set in the valley
La lune sortira une bière
– The moon will release a beer
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Je t’aime
– I love you
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À la folie
– To madness
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Passionately
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À l’ammoniaque
– With ammonia
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Je t’aime (ouais)
– I love you (yeah)
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À la folie
– To madness
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Passionately
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À l’ammoniaque
– With ammonia

Ma vie, ma vie
– My life, my life
Pourquoi petite fleur a fané?
– Why little flower has faded?
Elle était belle loin de la jungle
– She was beautiful away from the jungle
Mais bon, la jungle l’a rattrapée
– But hey, the jungle has caught up with her
Ma vie, ma vie
– My life, my life
Pourquoi tu perds les âmes comme ça?
– Why are you losing your souls like this?
Ce monde a mal et j’ressens ça
– This world is hurting and I feel that
Ils sont dans le noir mais je les vois
– They are in the dark but I see them
Je les vois, ma vie
– I see them, my life
Mais je n’ai d’yeux que pour ma famille
– But I have eyes only for my family
J’ai fait le million, j’me suis assagi
– I made the million, I sat down
Mais on doit rendre ce qu’on a pris
– But we have to give back what we took
Ma vie, ma vie
– My life, my life
Chez moi, on t’aime, puis on t’oublie
– At home, we love you, then we forget you
Chez moi, on saigne, puis on grandit
– At home, we bleed, then we grow
Chez nous, respecte, ouais, on tire
– At home, respect, yeah, we shoot
Ma vie, ma vie
– My life, my life
Devenir quelqu’un pour exister
– Becoming someone to exist
Car personne nous a invité
– Because no one invited us
Donc on est venu tout niquer
– So we came to fuck everything
Tout niquer, ma vie
– Fuck everything, my life
L’histoire sera courte, à mon avis
– The story will be short, in my opinion
Comme la dernière phrase de ma vie
– Like the last sentence of my life
J’tirerai en l’air, j’dirai “tant pis”
– I’ll shoot in the air, I’ll say “too bad”
Ma vie, ma vie
– My life, my life

J’me défonce, je fais la diff’
– I’m getting high, I’m doing the diff’
Les anges sont tristes, le démon kiffe
– The angels are sad, the devil likes
Pourquoi t’as dit “je t’aime” au pif?
– Why did you say “I love you” to pif?
Animal heureux sous les griffes
– Happy animal under the claws
J’ai patienté pour me sentir vivre
– I waited to feel alive
Donne-moi du temps, j’en ferai du biff
– Give me some time, I’ll make some biff
En attendant demain m’enivre
– Waiting for tomorrow get me drunk

Je t’aime
– I love you
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À la folie
– To madness
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Passionately
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À l’ammoniaque
– With ammonia
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Je t’aime (ouais)
– I love you (yeah)
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À la folie
– To madness
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Passionately
Ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais, ouais
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
À l’ammoniaque
– With ammonia

Je t’aime
– I love you
À la folie
– To madness
– Passionately
À l’ammoniaque
– With ammonia






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