Aman, a gde si, s kim si sad?
– Aman, where are you, who are you with now?
Daleko, neki drugi grad
– Far away, another city
Što dalje, nek si srećnija
– The further away, the happier
Zbog nas (ye-ye)
– Because of us (ye-ye)
Aman, a tajne sve ti znam
– Aman, and the secrets are all I know
Da ljubav prodaješ za gram
– That you sell love for a gram
Lagala kad si plakala
– You lied when you cried.
Naglas (ye-ye)
– Out loud (ye-ye)
Prišla je sama
– She came up alone
Prišla da pita ko je on
– She came over to ask who he was
Jer baš ovih dana
– Because now
Glavna tema sam u gradu tvom
– I’m the main topic in your city.
Sećam se, valjda
– I remember, probably
Plave oči s toplim osmehom
– Blue eyes with a warm smile
Kučka i dama
– Bitch and lady
To do sad nisam video
– I haven’t seen this before
A dija-dija-dijamanti
– Dia-Dia-diamonds
Ljubav, dalek grad
– Love, the city is far away
U gradu kriminala
– In the city of crime
Ne brini, mislim na nas
– Don’t worry, I mean us
A dija-dija-dijamanti
– Dia-Dia-diamonds
Ne bi shvatila
– You won’t understand.
Kad priznô bi’ ti ko sam
– When will you find out who I am
Što me nema danima
– That I was gone for a few days
Aman, a gde si, s kim si sad?
– Aman, where are you, who are you with now?
Daleko, neki drugi grad
– Far away, another city
Što dalje, nek si srećnija
– The further away, the happier
Zbog nas (ye-ye)
– Because of us (ye-ye)
Aman, a tajne sve ti znam
– Aman, and the secrets are all I know
Da ljubav prodaješ za gram
– That you sell love for a gram
Lagala kad si plakala
– You lied when you cried.
Naglas (ye-ye)
– Out loud (ye-ye)
Jos noćas tu si
– You’re still here today.
Da srećan poželim ti put
– Have a good trip.
Možda ne sretnem te nikad
– Maybe I’ll never see you again.
Možda vratiš se u snu
– Maybe you’ll come back in a dream
A kažu nisi za mene
– And they say that you are not for me.
Preloš sam za nju
– I’m too weak for her.
Kako znam te tako kratko
– How do I know you so quickly?
Sve bi’ dao da si tu
– I’d give anything if you were here.
A dija-dija-dijamanti
– Dia-Dia-diamonds
Ljubav, dalek grad
– Love, the city is far away
U gradu kriminala
– In the city of crime
Ne brini, mislim na nas
– Don’t worry, I mean us
A dija-dija-dijamanti
– Dia-Dia-diamonds
Ne bi shvatila
– You won’t understand.
Kad priznô bi’ ti ko sam
– When will you find out who I am
Što me nema danima
– That I was gone for a few days
Aman, a gde si, s kim si sad?
– Aman, where are you, who are you with now?
Daleko, neki drugi grad
– Far away, another city
Što dalje, nek si srećnija
– The further away, the happier
Zbog nas (ye-ye)
– Because of us (ye-ye)
Aman, a tajne sve ti znam
– Aman, and the secrets are all I know
Da ljubav prodaješ za gram
– That you sell love for a gram
Lagala kad si plakala
– You lied when you cried.
Naglas (ye-ye)
– Out loud (ye-ye)

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