Da imam pravo na jos jednu zelju
– That I have the right to one more wish
Na onu koju zovu poslednju
– The one they call the last
Po prvi put ja znao bih sta zelim
– For the first time I know what I want
Ja zeleo bih, zeleo bih nju
– I would like, I would like her
Da imam pravo na jos jedan poziv
– That I have the right to another call
Na ispovest pred Bogom poslednju
– Confess to God
Ja znam i koga bih da zovem
– I know who to call.
Ja pozvao bih, pozvao bih nju
– I would invite, I would invite her
Da joj kazem bila si mi sve
– Tell her that you were everything to me
Nisam znao tada, sada znam
– I didn’t know then, now I know
Kad prava ljubav jednom zakasni
– When true love is late one day
Druge nece doci nikada
– Others will never come
Dao bih joj srce svoje
– I would give her my heart
Neka ima srca dva
– Let there be a heart of two
Samo kada njoj je dobro
– Only when she feels good
Onda dobro sam i ja
– Then I’m fine too
Al’ joj ne bih dao oci
– But I wouldn’t give her an eye
Isti tad bi bili mi
– In the same way we would be
Videla ni ona ne bi
– She wouldn’t either
Kada ljubav zakasni
– When love is late
Da imam pravo na jos dan zivota
– That I have the right to another day of life
Za jedan dan da skrojim sudbinu
– In one day to decide the fate
Ja znam sa sobom koga bih da vodim
– I know who to take with me
Ja poveo bih, poveo bih nju
– I’d take it, I’d take it
Da imam pravo na jos jednu suzu
– That I have the right to another tear
U nju da stavim ranu poslednju
– Put the early last one in it
Ja znam za kime bih da zalim
– I know who to stock up for
U zadnju suzu stavio bih nju
– I would put it in the last tear
Da joj kazem bila si mi sve
– Tell her that you were everything to me
Nisam znao tada, sada znam
– I didn’t know then, now I know
Kad prava ljubav jednom zakasni
– When true love is late one day
Druge nece doci nikada
– Others will never come
Dao bih joj srce svoje
– I would give her my heart
Neka ima srca dva
– Let there be a heart of two
Samo kada njoj je dobro
– Only when she feels good
Onda dobro sam i ja
– Then I’m fine too
Al’ joj ne bih dao oci
– But I wouldn’t give her an eye
Isti tad bi bili mi
– In the same way we would be
Videla ni ona ne bi
– She wouldn’t either
Kada ljubav zakasni
– When love is late
Dao bih joj srce svoje
– I would give her my heart
Neka ima srca dva
– Let there be a heart of two
Samo kada njoj je dobro
– Only when she feels good
Onda dobro sam i ja
– Then I’m fine too
Al’ joj ne bih dao oci
– But I wouldn’t give her an eye
Isti tad bi bili mi
– In the same way we would be
Videla ni ona ne bi
– She wouldn’t either
Kada ljubav zakasni
– When love is late

Sasa Matic – Kad Ljubav Zakasni Croatian Lyrics English Translations
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