Tea Tairovic – Dva i dva Croatian Lyrics English Translations

Ova žena dobro zna kol’ko su dva i dva
– This woman knows well who two and two are
Sa njom sve je pogrešno, a ti voliš to
– It’s not like that with her, and you like it
Ova žena, to sam ja, takva sam se rodila
– This woman, this is me, that’s how I was born
Al’ mi je u genima da sam sa kretenima
– But it’s in my genes that I’m with jerks

Neću vezu, neću brak
– I won’t be a relationship, I won’t be a marriage
Komplimente ne primam
– I don’t get compliments
Svojih želja pazi se
– Beware of your desires
Ove oči mogu sve
– These eyes can do everything
Onaj ko me ljubio
– The one who loved me
Prsten mi kupio
– Bought me a ring
Nekome sam bila dar
– I was a gift for someone
Nekome sam deblji kraj
– Someone I’m fatter end

Ova žena dobro zna kol’ko su dva i dva
– This woman knows well who two and two are
Sa njom sve je pogrešno, a ti voliš to
– It’s not like that with her, and you like it
Ova žena, to sam ja, takva sam se rodila
– This woman, this is me, that’s how I was born
Al’ mi je u genima da sam sa kretenima
– But it’s in my genes that I’m with jerks

Mogu da ti budem brat
– I can be your brother
Mogu i da vodim rat
– I can fight a war too
Sreća sam u nevolji
– Happiness I’m in trouble
Sve mi brzo dosadi
– I get bored of everything quickly
Loše bi mi stajao
– It’s going to be bad for me
Da bi sa mnom trajao
– To hold out with me
Sad me bolje isprati
– Now I’d better rinse
Ja ti se ne isplatim
– I’m not paying you

Ova žena dobro zna kol’ko su dva i dva
– This woman knows well who two and two are
Sa njom sve je pogrešno, a ti voliš to
– It’s not like that with her, and you like it
Ova žena, to sam ja, takva sam se rodila
– This woman, this is me, that’s how I was born
Al’ mi je u genima da sam sa kretenima
– But it’s in my genes that I’m with jerks

To što lutam svaku noć
– That I wander every night
Što stalno menjam broj
– That I’m constantly changing the number
Što može mi se
– What we can do
To je život moj
– This is my life

Ova žena dobro zna kol’ko su dva i dva
– This woman knows well who two and two are
Sa njom sve je pogrešno, a ti voliš to
– It’s not like that with her, and you like it
Ova žena, to sam ja, takva sam se rodila
– This woman, this is me, that’s how I was born
Al’ mi je u genima da sam sa kretenima
– But it’s in my genes that I’m with jerks






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