The Drifters – Ni Shi Wo De Ok Beng (Ot: Sakura) Chinese Lyrics English Translations

一個人的時候 在陌生的街頭
– On a strange street when I was alone
– Looking up at the starry night sky
I know I know 地球另一端有你陪我
– I know I know you are with me on the other side of the earth
謝謝你鼓勵我 勇氣是你給我
– Thank you for encouraging me. You gave me the courage.
– Let me step forward and move forward together
I know I know 你是我的OK繃 在每一個時候
– I know I know you are my OK, at every time

拿一個舊皮箱 裝著我的夢想
– Take an old suitcase with my dreams
– I want to start to decide the direction of the journey
設計稿在桌上 一疊偉大理想
– The design draft is on the table, a stack of great ideals
– Think of these beds as dolls that can’t be sold
有天 我突發奇想
– One day I had a whim
– Send these dolls to the children in the orphanage
看著他們的表情 滿足的那模樣
– Looking at their expressions with satisfaction
看著他們快樂 我也跟著飽了
– Seeing them happy, I’m full too

離開了家鄉 開始我的流浪
– Left my hometown and started my wandering
– I only carry dolls Qpee and Guitar on my body
它們陪著我 永遠不寂寞
– They stay with me and never be lonely
還有還有 一隻大狼狗
– There is also a big wolf dog
牠名叫阿福 整天跟著我
– His name is Afu and he follows me all day long
– At my saddest time
– Give me warm eyes
肯定的微笑 準備 往前出發
– Smile affirmatively and prepare to move on

一個人的時候 在陌生的街頭
– On a strange street when I was alone
– Looking up at the starry night sky
I know I know 地球另一端有你陪我
– I know I know you are with me on the other side of the earth
謝謝你鼓勵我 勇氣是你給我
– Thank you for encouraging me. You gave me the courage.
– Let me step forward and move forward together
I know I know 你是我的OK繃
– I know I know you are mine OK stretch
– At every time
– Always with me

外婆 教我唱的童謠我也從來沒忘過
– I have never forgotten the nursery rhymes that Grandma taught me to sing
– She said she hadn’t forgotten the daoxiang sung by Jay Chou.
– Even if you fail, even if you are depressed, you still remember to go home
– If you are sad, hug your family and friends and cry

– The sun will dry everything, all troubles and sorrows
– It’s not bitter to take my healing medicine
用耳朵用心聽我唱 我的精彩故事還沒說完
– Listen to me with your ears and my heart. My wonderful story is not finished yet.
– Butterflies Butterflies fly in the sky and wave their wings aha
– It used to be just a caterpillar
阿不要灰心 錢沒再賺 失戀再談
– Ah, don’t be discouraged. If you don’t make any more money, talk about it if you lose your love.
只有生命不能重來 所以珍惜它的精彩
– Only life can’t be repeated, so cherish its wonderful
我們全都是 渺小螞蟻 卻都有存在的那意義
– We are all small ants, but we all have the meaning of existence.
不願失去 別失去勇氣 那就創造回憶
– If you don’t want to lose, don’t lose your courage, then create memories
裙擺舞動飄逸 踏出旋律漣漪的倒影
– The skirts are dancing gracefully, stepping out of the reflection of the ripples of the melody

一個人的時候 在陌生的街頭
– On a strange street when I was alone
– Looking up at the starry night sky
I know I know 地球另一端有你陪我
– I know I know you are with me on the other side of the earth
謝謝你鼓勵我 勇氣是你給我
– Thank you for encouraging me. You gave me the courage.
– Let me step forward and move forward together
I know I know 你是我的OK繃 在每一個時候
– I know I know you are my OK, at every time
– Always with me

– Take advantage of the sun to slow down. If you want to keep up, you have to work harder.
折一架音符紙飛機 (音符紙飛機)
– Fold a note paper airplane (note paper airplane)
心繫著未來的奇蹟 (未來的奇蹟)
– Thinking of the miracles of the future (miracles of the future)
飛吧 用美麗旋律來洗禮 我們在大樹下的約定
– Fly, use beautiful melodies to baptize our promise under the big tree

一個人的時候 在陌生的街頭
– On a strange street when I was alone
– Looking up at the starry night sky
I know I know 地球另一端有你陪我
– I know I know you are with me on the other side of the earth
謝謝你鼓勵我 勇氣是你給我
– Thank you for encouraging me. You gave me the courage.
– Let me step forward and move forward together
I know I know 你是我的OK繃
– I know I know you are mine OK stretch
– At every time
– Always with me






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