Vico C – La Vecinita Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Óyeme, Vico, la señorita de al lado tiene hambre
– Listen, Vico, the lady next door is hungry.

La vecinita tiene antojo
– The neighbor has a craving
Antojo que quiere resolver
– Craving you want to solve
El vecinito le echa un ojo
– The neighbor keeps an eye on him
Ojo que mira pa comer
– Eye watching to eat

La vecinita tiene un gato
– The neighbor has a cat
Gato que mata por celar
– Cat that kills by being jealous
El vecinito que es tan sato
– The neighbor who is so sato
Se tira y lo van a degollar (¡humm!)
– He gets laid and they’re going to slit his throat (humm!)

La vecinita tiene antojo
– The neighbor has a craving
Antojo que quiere resolver
– Craving you want to solve
El vecinito le echa un ojo
– The neighbor keeps an eye on him
Ojo que mira pa comer
– Eye watching to eat

La vecinita tiene un gato
– The neighbor has a cat
Gato que mata por celar
– Cat that kills by being jealous
El vecinito que es tan sato
– The neighbor who is so sato
Se tira y lo van a degollar (¡humm!)
– He gets laid and they’re going to slit his throat (humm!)

La vecinita tiene…
– The neighbor has…
Un mini combinao con el bikini
– A mini combination with bikini
Tiene más truco que la capa de Houdini
– It has more trick than Houdini’s cape
Al vecinito le dio fresa Don Martini
– The neighbor gave strawberry Don Martini
Pa las pupilas pecho pa comer lengüini
– Pa pupils chest pa eat tongue

Mira por la ventana y reconoce el bollo
– Look out the window and recognize the bun
Sale pa fuera disque pa pasearle el yorkie
– Sale pa out disque pa walk the yorkie
Se pone bien petunia y él, bien porkis
– It gets good petunia and he gets good porkis
Más asfixiao que un yonki
– More suffocating than a junkie

Ella sabe que camisa la hace ver como Pamela
– She knows that shirt makes her look like Pamela
Él sabe como tiene que estirar la tela
– He knows how to stretch the fabric
Gatito pa’l trabajo, nene, pa la escuela
– Kitten for work, babe, school
Llama a los bomberos que hay candela
– Call the firemen there’s a candle

Y qué malo, malo es ese vecino
– And how bad, bad is that neighbor
Que se quedó hasta con la tuna del felino
– That stayed even with the tuna of the feline
Vino, intervino, se hizo el chino (arrrauff)
– He came, he intervened, he became Chinese (arrrauff)
Como se jactó el cretino
– As the cretin boasted

Pero hay alguno que ya sabe la que hay
– But there’s someone who already knows what there is
Si no sabe’ esquivar los plomo’ esto se te cae (¡humm!)
– If you don’t know how to’ dodge the lead’ this falls off (humm!)

La vecinita tiene antojo
– The neighbor has a craving
Antojo que quiere resolver
– Craving you want to solve
El vecinito le echa un ojo
– The neighbor keeps an eye on him
Ojo que mira pa comer
– Eye watching to eat

La vecinita tiene un gato
– The neighbor has a cat
Gato que mata por celar
– Cat that kills by being jealous
El vecinito que es tan sato
– The neighbor who is so sato
Se tira y lo van a degollar (¡humm!)
– He gets laid and they’re going to slit his throat (humm!)

La vecinita tiene un…
– The neighbor has a…
Hickey pa taparlo tiene un triquí
– Hickey to cover it has a triqui
Como está en el cuello solo se suelta el peliquí, pero
– As it is in the neck only the film is released, but
Wiqui, wiqui bórrate el graffiti
– Wiqui, wiqui delete the graffiti
Se dieron cuenta en la casita de tu titi
– They noticed in the house of your titi

Una titi que no se calla na
– A titi that does not shut up na
Que bla, bla, bla pa aquí, bla, bla, bla pa’llá
– What blah, blah, blah pa here, blah, blah, blah pa’llá
Bla, bla, bla que llegaron a su casa
– Blah, blah, blah they got home
¿Tú sabes qué?, que su gatito no es wasa, wasa
– You know what?, that your kitten is not wasa, wasa

Trata de evitar la investigación
– Try to avoid investigation
Para no entrar en persecución
– To avoid persecution
Pues gato que te cela como un cañón
– Well, cat who’s jealous of you like a cannon
Te da con todo lo que tiene en el peñón
– He gives you everything he has on the rock

So, ándale, ándale, arriba
– So, come on, come on, up.
Corre papá, que son poquito lo que de una emboscada escapa
– Run Dad, they are little what an ambush escapes
Mera ese borky no te tapa
– Mera that borky does not cover you
Bórrate del mapa, antes del ra-pa-pa-pa
– Get off the map, before ra-pa-pa-pa

Pero hay alguno que ya sabe la que hay
– But there’s someone who already knows what there is
Si no sabe’ esquivar los plomo’ esto se te cae (¡humm!)
– If you don’t know how to’ dodge the lead’ this falls off (humm!)

La vecinita tiene antojo
– The neighbor has a craving
Antojo que quiere resolver
– Craving you want to solve
El vecinito le echa un ojo
– The neighbor keeps an eye on him
Ojo que mira pa comer
– Eye watching to eat

La vecinita tiene un gato
– The neighbor has a cat
Gato que mata por celar
– Cat that kills by being jealous
El vecinito que es tan sato
– The neighbor who is so sato
Se tira y lo van a degollar (¡humm!)
– He gets laid and they’re going to slit his throat (humm!)

La vecinita tiene antojo
– The neighbor has a craving
Antojo que quiere resolver
– Craving you want to solve
El vecinito le echa un ojo
– The neighbor keeps an eye on him
Ojo que mira pa comer
– Eye watching to eat

La vecinita tiene un gato
– The neighbor has a cat
Gato que mata por celar
– Cat that kills by being jealous
El vecinito que es tan sato
– The neighbor who is so sato
Se tira y lo van a degollar (¡humm!)
– He gets laid and they’re going to slit his throat (humm!)

La vecinita tiene un…
– The neighbor has a…
Hi, coge consejo de los viejos
– Hi, take advice from the old
Bandolero, Bandolero
– Bandit, Bandit
Aquí el mero, mero
– Here the grouper, grouper
Tú sabe’, Filósofo, el primero
– You know’, Philosopher, the first






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