A prava mlada dama
– And the real young lady
A jako tanak struk i ta haljina je taman
– And a very thin waist, and this dress is just right
A rekla mi je tada da nije više mala
– And she told me then that she wasn’t little anymore
Dok vrti se u krug, jer je noćas opet sama
– While she’s spinning in circles, because tonight she’s alone again
Mala htela bi Pradu, htela tango
– Baby would like Prada, would like tango
Da plešemo konstantno, sa tobom ko sa vragom
– To dance constantly, with you, as with the devil
A htela bi da samo tu noćas sipa samo
– And she would like to just pour this night
A pravi se tu fina, kaže “Ništa nije strašno”
– And she does it well, she says: “It’s okay”
Ona htela je sve što sija, zlato
– She wanted everything that shines, gold
I noćas nije važno što svidela se svakom
– And today it doesn’t matter what everyone liked
Ona je rekla da nije srela takvog
– She said she had never met such a person
I da me zove Pablo jer ima dobar razlog
– And that he calls me Pablo because he has a good reason
Sa mojom braćom slavim (ale, ale)
– With my brothers I celebrate (El, El)
O kako dobro radiš (ale, ale)
– Oh, how well you do (El, El)
I samo da smo zdravi (ale, ale)
– And if only we were healthy (El, El)
Mi bogati i mladi (ale, ale)
– We are rich and young (El, El)
Sa mojom braćom slavim (ale, ale)
– With my brothers I celebrate (El, El)
O kako dobro radiš (ale, ale)
– Oh, how well you do (El, El)
I samo da smo zdravi (alе, ale)
– And if only we were healthy (El, El)
Mi bogati i mladi (ale, ale)
– We are rich and young (El, El)
Ona jе mlada i voli kriminal
– She is young and loves crime
A ja živim svaki dan ko da kriminalac sam
– And I live every day like a criminal I am
Ona ne zna ni šta radim, ni opis moga posla
– She doesn’t know what I do or the description of my job
Da ostanemo sami, ti saznala bi ko sam
– If we were alone, would you know who I am
Mala htela bi Pradu, htela tango
– Baby would like Prada, would like tango
Da plešemo konstantno, sa tobom ko sa vragom
– To dance constantly, with you, as with the devil
A htela bi da samo tu noćas sipa samo
– And she would like to just pour this night
A pravi se tu fina, kaže “Ništa nije strašno”
– And she does it well, she says: “It’s okay”
Ona htela je sve što sija, zlato
– She wanted everything that shines, gold
I noćas nije važno što svidela se svakom
– And today it doesn’t matter what everyone liked
Ona je rekla da nije srela takvog
– She said she had never met such a person
I da me zove Pablo jer ima dobar razlog
– And that he calls me Pablo because he has a good reason
Sa mojom braćom slavim (ale, ale)
– With my brothers I celebrate (El, El)
O kako dobro radiš (ale, ale)
– Oh, how well you do (El, El)
I samo da smo zdravi (ale, ale)
– And if only we were healthy (El, El)
Mi bogati i mladi (ale, ale)
– We are rich and young (El, El)
Sa mojom braćom slavim (ale, ale)
– With my brothers I celebrate (El, El)
O kako dobro radiš (ale, ale)
– Oh, how well you do (El, El)
I samo da smo zdravi (alе, ale)
– And if only we were healthy (El, El)
Mi bogati i mladi (ale, ale)
– We are rich and young (El, El)

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