Wael Jassar – Khalina Zekra Arabic Lyrics English Translations

لو عشت بعدي وبعد بعودى وجيت وحبيت
– If I lived after me and after me and Jeet and love
ابقي افتكرني واحكي عني مهما كنت نسيت
– Keep thinking about me and telling me no matter how much you forget
خليني ذكري جميله عندك واوعي تنسي زمان
– Give me a beautiful memory you have and my consciousness forgets time
خليني ذكري جميله عندك واوعي تنسي زمان
– Give me a beautiful memory you have and my consciousness forgets time

ماتقولش حبي وقت عدي ويوم خلاص عشناه
– What you say is my love at the time of my return and the day of salvation we have lived
قول اني حبي حب غالي بس هي حياه
– Saying that I am my love is a precious love but it is a life
وابقي افتكرني بكلمه حلوه تنسي قلبي الاأأه
– And keep thinking of me a sweet word that forgets my heart

خلي الفراق اجمل فراق ف دنيا العاشقين
– Khali parting the most beautiful parting in the world of lovers
وان حد سألك عني قوله كنا اوفي اتنين
– And if he asked me to say, we were two ove
قول كان حبيبي وكان حياتي وعشره ليها سنين
– Saying he was my lover and it was my life and ten years
مش كل حلم نشوفه سهل هنبقي حققناه
– Not every dream we see is easy hanbaki we achieved
دا ساعات دا يبقي السهل صعب لما نتمناه
– Da hours da keeps easy hard for what we wish

والدنيا عمر ماحد جالها وعاشاها م غير أأأأأأه
– And the world, and the world, and the world, and the world, and the world, and the world
والدنيا عمر ماحد جالها وعاشاها م غير أأأأأأه
– And the world, and the world, and the world, and the world, and the world, and the world

اوقات بنتجرح وبنجرح واحنا مش حاسين
– Times of bintjarh and bnjarh and we are not Hussein
وان حد فينا حب يفرح فرحه يبقي حزين
– And the limit in us love rejoices its Joy keeps sad
ايام وبتعشنا وفاكرين اننا عايشين
– Days when we lived and thought we were living
ايام وبتعشنا وفاكرين اننا عايشين
– Days when we lived and thought we were living

خلي الفراق اجمل فراق ف دنيا العاشقين
– Khali parting the most beautiful parting in the world of lovers
وان حد سألك عني قوله كنا اوفي اتنين
– And if he asked me to say, we were two ove






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