Yonnyboii, Zynakal & Asyraf Nasir – Tak Sangka Indonesian Lyrics English Translations

Dari apa yang aku perhatikan
– From what I noticed
Manusia mahu senang tapi tak
– Man wanna love but don’t
Semua mahu berkorban
– All want to sacrifice
Dari apa yang mereka katakan Ada yang jawab
– From what they say There is an answer
Jujur tapi selebihnya kuat beralasan
– To be honest, but the rest of the strong reasons
Tak sangka, tak sangka,
– I never thought, never thought,
Tak sangka Mereka cepat berubah
– Can’t believe They are quick to change
Tak sangka, tak sangka,
– I never thought, never thought,
Tak sangka Kau hanya nak cari salah
– I never thought You only wanted to find one of
Kau salahi aku,
– You have wronged me,
Menyebelahi aku Tikaman dari belakang Tinggal hati yang berlubang
– Menyebelahi I Stab from the rear to Live a hollow heart
Jangan cari aku Bila ku menghilang
– Don’t find me When I disappear
Katakan kau senang Senangnya kau
– Tell me you’re glad Glad you
– Throw
Biar putih tulang Jangan putih mata Jangan pernah lupa
– Let the white bone Do the white of the eye Don’t ever forget
Hati Dalam hitam Mulut terbuka tapi tak terkata
– Hearts In black Mouth open but no terkata
(CHORUS)Buta temberang Palsu Ditatang manis air muka Senyuman di
– (CHORUS)Blind temberang False Ditatang sweet water the face of the Smile on
Belakang pintu Muka yang Tak tahu malu
– The back door is the Face of the shameless
Sang penipu yang meniru Tapi tak nak mengaku
– The deceiver that mimic But don’t want to confess
Kenapa nak Bincang Benda yang dah berulang Kalau bukunya ku sudah baca
– Why nak Bincang Objects dah repeated If the books I’ve read
Berapa Kali ku bilang Kepala pon
– How many Times have I said the Head of the pound
Dah hilang Asyik fikirkan engkau sahaja
– Dah lost Engrossed think thou sahaja
Terus terang aku bilang Dari dunia asing
– Frankly, I’m told From an alien world
Baby girl I’ll tell
– Baby girl I’ll tell
You one thing Meja dah terpelanting
– You one thing Meja dah ground
Kesabaran aku tinggi Dari menara gading.
– Patience I’m high From the ivory tower.
Kau mencerobohi mimpi Kubur kan masing-masing
– You mencerobohi dreams Grave right respectively
Jaga mulut takkan Cakap lepas
– Keep your mouth won’t Say off the
Barang kau ambil dah Boleh lekas
– The goods you take’re lekas
Notifikasi tak pernah balas (Hello?) uh Aku malas
– Notifications never reply (Hello?) uh I’m lazy
Fikir fikiran matang
– Think mind ripe
Terus pusing bila ku datang
– Constantly giddy when I come
Duduk rumah diam-diam-diam
– Sitting home silently-silent
Pandai pandai belum habis pantang
– Clever clever yet exhausted abstinence
(CHORUS)Buta temberang palsu
– (CHORUS)Blind temberang false
Ditatang manis air muka Senyuman di belakang Pintu
– Ditatang sweet water the face of the Smile behind the Door
Muka yang tak tahu malu Sang penipu yang meniru Tapi tak nak Mengaku
– The face of the shameless deceiver that mimic But don’t want to Confess
Kenapa nak bincang Benda yang dah berulang Kalau bukunya ku Sudah baca
– Why nak bincang Objects dah repeated If the books I’ve read
Berapa kali ku bilang Kepala pon
– How many times have I said the Head of the pound
Dah hilang Asyik fikirkan Engkau sahaja
– Dah lost Engrossed think Thou sahaja
(BRIDGE)Masih ku diundang Udang di sebalik batu
– (BRIDGE)Still I invited the Shrimp in the behind the rock
Mata Yang memandang Dengan mulut yang merapu
– The eyes That looked With mouth fooling
Mimpiku meronta Hasratku Melontar Lambat atau cepat
– My dream wriggle my Desires Throwing Slow or fast
Jangan cari aku Bila ku menghilang
– Don’t find me When I disappear
Katakan Kau senang Senangnya kau membuang
– Tell me You’re glad Glad you’re wasting
Biar putih tulang Jangan putih mata
– Let the white bone Do the white of the eye
Jangan pernah lupa Hati dalam hitam Mulut terbuka tapi tak terkata
– Never forget the Hearts in black Mouth open but no terkata
Buta temberang palsu Ditatang manis
– Blind temberang false Ditatang sweet
Air muka Senyuman di Belakang pintu
– Water the face of the Smile Behind the door
Muka yang tak tahu malu Sang penipu yang Meniru
– The face of the shameless deceiver that Mimic the
Tapi taknak mengaku Kenapa nak bincang Benda yang dah berulang
– But don’t you confess Why nak bincang Objects dah repeated
Kalau bukunya ku sudah baca
– If the books I’ve read
Berapa kali ku Bilang Kepala
– How many times have I Said the Head of the
Pon dah hilang Asyik fikirkan engkau sahaja
– Pon dah lost Engrossed think thou sahaja





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