Yuna – Raya Oh Yeah Indonesian Lyrics English Translations

Berlalu sudah bulan puasa
– Passed already the month of fasting
Masa untuk bersuka-ria
– Time to revel
Oh yeah
– Oh yeah
Raikan hari raya
– Entertaining tourists feast

Kawan-kawan semuanya happy
– Guys all happy
Kekasih pulang dari oversea
– Lover come home from oversea
Oh yeah
– Oh yeah
Samalah kita nanti
– With me we will

Mungkin dahulu terasa sepi
– May first feels lonely
Hanya keluarga yang menemani
– Only the family who accompany
Tapi sekarang tidak lagi
– But not anymore

Raya kali ini mungkin berbeza
– Kingdom this time may be different
Kerna ku ada dia
– Kerna ku ada he
Nyalakan pelita cinta di hari raya
– Turn on the lamp of love in the feast
Hati seperti bunga api bersama dia
– Hearts as flowers of fire with him
Oh indahnya
– Oh the beauty
Ku jatuh cinta di hari raya
– Ku jatuh cinta hari raya

Cinta di hari raya
– Love in the feast
Cinta di hari raya
– Love in the feast

Semangat kita nak bangun pagi
– The spirit of our son wake up morning
Pakai cantik-cantik hari ini
– Made pretty-pretty today
Oh yeah
– Oh yeah
Nak jumpa somebody
– Want to see somebody
Rumahku dihiasi indah
– My house is decorated beautifully
Senyum sehingga hujung telinga
– Smile so that the tip of the ear
Oh yeah
– Oh yeah
Tunggu kekasih hati
– Wait for sweetheart

Syawal kali ini ku tak sabar
– Shawwal this time I can’t wait
Hati terasa berdebar-debar
– Felt hearts pounding
Oh yeah
– Oh yeah
Diri sudah berpunya
– Yourself already haves

Raya kali ini mungkin berbeza
– Kingdom this time may be different
Kerna ku ada dia
– Kerna ku ada he
Nyalakan pelita cinta di hari raya
– Turn on the lamp of love in the feast
Hati seperti bunga api bersama dia
– Hearts as flowers of fire with him
Oh indahnya
– Oh the beauty
Ku jatuh cinta di hari raya
– Ku jatuh cinta hari raya

Cinta di hari raya
– Love in the feast
Cinta di hari raya
– Love in the feast
Cinta di hari raya
– Love in the feast






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