Sleazin’ and teasin’, I’m sittin’ on him
– Sleazin ‘e teasin’, estou sentado sobre el
All of my diamonds are drippin’ on him
– Todos os meus diamantes gotean sobre el
I met him at the bar, it was twelve or somethin’
– Coñecino no bar, era doce ou algo así’
I ordered two more wines, ’cause tonight I want him
– Pedín dous viños máis, porque esta noite quéroo
A little context if you care to listen
– Un pouco de contexto se che interesa escoitar
I find myself in this shit position
– Eu me sinto nesta posición de merda
The man that I love sat me down last night
– O home que amei sentoume onte á noite
And he told me that it’s over, dumb decision
– E díxome que acabara, decisión estúpida
And I don’t wanna feel how my heart is rippin’
– E non quero sentir como o meu corazón está ripin’
Fact, I don’t wanna feel, so I stick to sippin’
– De feito, eu non quero sentir, así que eu sigo a sippin’
And I’m out on the town with a simple mission
– E estou na cidade cunha misión sinxela
In my little black dress and this shit is sittin’
– No meu vestido negro e esta merda está sentada’
Just a heart broke bitch
– Un corazón de puta
High heels six inch
– Tacóns altos de seis polgadas
In the back of the nightclub, sipping champagne
– Na parte traseira da discoteca, bebendo champaña
I don’t trust any of these bitches I’m with
– Non confío en ningunha destas putas coas que estou
In the back of the taxi sniffing cocaine
– Na parte traseira do taxi cheirando cocaína
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex
– Bágoas, bágoas, bágoas, sexo borracho
I was looking for a man who’s on the same page
– Eu estaba buscando un home que está na mesma páxina
Now it’s back to the intro, back to the bar
– Xa está de volta o entroido, de novo o bar
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways
– Ao Bentley, ao hotel, aos meus vellos camiños
‘Cause I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Porque non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
– Doutor, doutor, calquera cousa, por favor
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me
– Doutor, doutor, ten piedade de min
Take this pain away
– Quita esa dor
You’re asking me my symptoms, doctor
– Estasme a preguntar os meus síntomas, doutor
I don’t wanna feel
– Non quero sentir
Took this joint how I’m blowing this steam
– Tomei este conxunto como estou a soprar este vapor
Back to my ways like 2019
– Volver a “mi manera” 2019
Not 24 hours since my ex did dead it
– Non 24 horas desde que o meu ex morreu
I got a new man on me, it’s about to get sweaty
– Teño un novo home en min, está a punto de suar
Last night really was the cherry on the cake
– A noite pasada a cereixa estaba na torta
Been some dark days lately and I’m findin’ it cripplin’
– Foron uns días escuros ultimamente e atopeino “tolleito”
Excuse my state
– Desculpen o meu estado
I’m as high as your hopes that you’ll make it on my bed
– Son tan alta como as túas esperanzas de que o fagas na miña cama
Get me hot and sizzlin’
– Quentes e sizzlin’
If I take a step back to see the glass half full
– Tenemos que volver a ver el vaso medio lleno
At least it’s the Prada two-piece that I’m trippin’ in
– Polo Menos é A Dúas Pezas De Prada na que estou trippin ‘ in
And I’m already actin’ like a dick
– E eu xa son actin ‘ como un dick
Know what I mean?
– Sabes a que me refiro?
So you might as well stick it in
– Tamén podes poñelo en
Just a heart broke bitch
– Un corazón de puta
High heels six inch
– Tacóns altos de seis polgadas
In the back of the nightclub, sipping champagne
– Na parte traseira da discoteca, bebendo champaña
I don’t trust any of these bitches I’m with
– Non confío en ningunha destas putas coas que estou
In the back of the taxi sniffing cocaine
– Na parte traseira do taxi cheirando cocaína
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex
– Bágoas, bágoas, bágoas, sexo borracho
I was looking for a man who’s on the same page
– Eu estaba buscando un home que está na mesma páxina
Now it’s back to the intro, back to the bar
– Xa está de volta o entroido, de novo o bar
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways
– Ao Bentley, ao hotel, aos meus vellos camiños
‘Cause I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Porque non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
– Doutor, doutor, calquera cousa, por favor
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me
– Doutor, doutor, ten piedade de min
Take this pain away
– Quita esa dor
You’re asking me my symptoms, doctor
– Estasme a preguntar os meus síntomas, doutor
I don’t wanna feel (What?)
– Non quero sentir (Que?)
‘Cause I don’t wanna feel like I felt last night
– Porque non quero sentir como me sentín onte á noite
I don’t wanna feel like I felt last night
– Non quero sentir como sentín onte á noite
Be at peace with the things you can’t change (Last night)
– Estar en paz con las cosas que No puedes cambiar (Ayer)
I’ll be naked when I leave and I was naked when I came, yeah
– Estarei espido cando saia e estarei espido cando chegue, si
Out of reach, out of touch, too numb, I don’t feel no way
– Fóra de alcance, fóra de toque, demasiado number, non sinto ningunha maneira
Toast up, so what, street small but it go both ways
– Brindemos, así que, rúa pequena, pero vai polos dous camiños
So, you’ll run, but you’ll never escape
– Así que fuxirás, pero nunca fuxirás
Sunset in the maze
– Solpor no labirinto
(You’re asking me my symptoms, doctor, I don’t wanna feel)
– (Estasme preguntando os meus síntomas, doutor, non quero sentir…)
I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
I don’t wanna feel how I did last night, oh
– Non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite, oh
Doctor, doctor, anything, please
– Doutor, doutor, calquera cousa, por favor
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me
– Doutor, doutor, ten piedade de min
You’re asking me my symptoms, doctor
– Estasme a preguntar os meus síntomas, doutor
I don’t wanna feel
– Non quero sentir
I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
I don’t wanna feel how I did last night
– Non quero sentir o que fixen onte á noite
I don’t, I don’t- how I did last night
– Non, non, non … como fixen onte á noite
Mhmm lipstick smudged like modern art
– Mhmmmmmmmmmmm como a arte moderna
I don’t know where the fuck I am
– Non sei onde carallo estou
Or who’s driving the fucking car
– ¿Quen manda no carro
Speeding down the highway sippin’
– Baixar highway sippin’
Mixing pills with the liquor
– Mesturar as pílulas co licor
‘Cause fuck these feelings
– Que se fodan estes sentimentos
I left everyone I love on read (Uh-uh)
– Deixei a todo o que me gusta ler (Eh)
Spilling secrets to the stranger in my bed (Uh-uh)
– Espallando segredos para o estraño na miña cama (Uh-uh)
I remember nothing so there’s nothing to regret (Uh-uh)
– Non lembro nada, así que non hai nada que lamentar (Uh-uh)

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