Video Posnetek
I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser
– Imam to stvar, kjer sem starejši, ampak samo nikoli pametnejši
Midnights become my afternoons
– Noči postanejo moje popoldne
When my depression works the graveyard shift
– Ko moja depresija deluje na pokopališki izmeni
All of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room
– Vsi ljudje, ki sem jih videl, stojijo tam v sobi
I should not be left to my own devices
– Ne bi smel biti prepuščen lastnim napravam
They come with prices and vices
– Prihajajo s cenami in razvadami
I end up in crises
– Končam v krizah
Tale as old as time
– Zgodba stara kot čas
I wake up screaming from dreaming
– Zbudim se kričati iz sanj
One day I’ll watch as you’re leaving
– Nekega dne bom gledal, kako odhajaš
‘Cause you got tired of my scheming
– Ker si se naveličal mojega spletkarjenja
For the last time
– Za zadnjič
It’s me
– To sem jaz
– Živjo!
I’m the problem, it’s me
– Jaz sem problem, to sem jaz
At teatime
– Na teatime
Everybody agrees
– Vsi se strinjajo
I’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
– Gledal bom naravnost v sonce, nikoli pa v ogledalo
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
– To mora biti naporno vedno navijali za anti-junak
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
– Včasih se mi zdi, da so vsi seksi dojenčki
And I’m a monster on the hill
– In jaz sem pošast na hribu
Too big to hang out
– Prevelika za druženje
Slowly lurching toward your favorite city
– Počasi lurching proti vaš najljubši mesto
Pierced through the heart but never killed
– Preboden skozi srce, a nikoli ubit
Did you hear my covert narcissism
– Ste slišali moj prikriti narcisizem
I disguise as altruism?
– Se preoblečem v altruizem?
Like some kind of congressman
– Kot nekakšen kongresnik
Tale as old as time
– Zgodba stara kot čas
I wake up screaming from dreaming
– Zbudim se kričati iz sanj
One day, I’ll watch as you’re leaving
– Nekega dne bom gledal, kako odhajaš
And life will lose all its meaning
– In življenje bo izgubilo ves svoj pomen
For the last time
– Za zadnjič
It’s me
– To sem jaz
– Živjo!
I’m the problem, it’s me (I’m the problem, it’s me)
– Jaz sem problem ,Jaz sem (jaz sem problem, to sem jaz)
At teatime
– Na teatime
Everybody agrees
– Vsi se strinjajo
I’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
– Gledal bom naravnost v sonce, nikoli pa v ogledalo
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
– To mora biti naporno vedno navijali za anti-junak
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
– Imam te sanje moja hči-v-zakon me ubije za denar
She thinks I left them in the will
– Misli, da sem jih pustil v oporoki
The family gathers ’round and reads it
– Družina se zbere in prebere
And then someone screams out
– In potem nekdo kriči
“She’s laughing up at us from hell!”
– “Smeje se nam iz pekla!”
It’s me
– To sem jaz
– Živjo!
I’m the problem, it’s me
– Jaz sem problem, to sem jaz
It’s me
– To sem jaz
– Živjo!
I’m the problem, it’s me
– Jaz sem problem, to sem jaz
It’s me
– To sem jaz
– Živjo!
Everybody agrees
– Vsi se strinjajo
Everybody agrees
– Vsi se strinjajo
It’s me
– To sem jaz
Hi! (Hi!)
– Živjo! (Zdravo!)
I’m the problem, it’s me (I’m the problem, it’s me)
– Jaz sem problem ,Jaz sem (jaz sem problem, to sem jaz)
At teatime
– Na teatime
Everybody agrees (everybody agrees)
– Vsi se strinjajo (vsi se strinjajo)
I’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
– Gledal bom naravnost v sonce, nikoli pa v ogledalo
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
– To mora biti naporno vedno navijali za anti-junak

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