Anson Seabra – Peter Pan Was Right 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I guess Peter Pan was right
– 我想彼得潘是对的
Growing up’s a waste of time
– 长大是浪费时间
So I think I’ll fly away
– 所以我想我会飞走
Set a course for brighter days
– 为光明的日子设定一条路线
Find the second star, I’m soarin’
– 找到第二颗星,我太激动了
And then straight on to the morn’
– 然后直接到早晨
I know that I’ll be fine
– 我知道我会没事的
‘Cause I know Peter Pan was right
– 因为我知道彼得潘是对的

Just a lost boy in a small town
– 只是一个小镇上迷路的男孩
I’m the same kid but I’m grown now
– 我是同一个孩子,但我现在长大了
Try to make it out but I don’t know how
– 试着把它弄出来,但我不知道怎么做
Wish that I was young, what have I become?
– 希望我年轻,我变成了什么?
Now it’s late night and I’m at home
– 现在是深夜,我在家
So I make friends with my shadow
– 所以我和我的影子交朋友
And I play him all my sad, sad songs
– 我把我所有的悲伤,悲伤的歌曲都弹给他
And we don’t talk but he sings along like
– 我们不说话,但他唱得像

– 哦-哦-哦-哦
Fairytales are not the truth
– 童话不是真理
What am I supposed to do?
– 我该怎么办?
– 嗯-嗯-嗯

I guess Peter Pan was right
– 我想彼得潘是对的
Growing up’s a waste of time
– 长大是浪费时间
So I think I’ll fly away
– 所以我想我会飞走
Set a course for brightеr days
– 为光明的日子设定一条路线
Find the second star, I’m soarin’
– 找到第二颗星,我太激动了
Then straight on to thе morn’
– 然后直接到早上去
I know that I’ll be fine
– 我知道我会没事的
‘Cause I know Peter Pan was right
– 因为我知道彼得潘是对的

Days feel like a blur now
– 现在的日子感觉像是一片模糊
Still feel 18, but I’m burnt out
– 仍然觉得18,但我已经筋疲力尽了
So I daydream of what I could be
– 所以我梦想着自己能成为什么样的人
If I turn back time to a storyline where
– 如果我把时间倒转到一个故事情节。
My mom read me a tale where
– 我妈妈给我读了一个故事
A couple kids, one girl and a sailor
– 几个孩子,一个女孩和一个水手
Met a boy in green, I thought it’d be me
– 遇到一个穿绿衣服的男孩,我以为是我
But I guess that dream wasn’t meant to be like
– 但我想那个梦并不是应该的

– 哦-哦-哦-哦
Fairytales are not the truth
– 童话不是真理
What am I supposed to do?
– 我该怎么办?
– 嗯-嗯-嗯

I guess Peter Pan was right
– 我想彼得潘是对的
Growing up’s a waste of time
– 长大是浪费时间
So I think I’ll fly away
– 所以我想我会飞走
Set a course for brighter days
– 为光明的日子设定一条路线
Find the second star, I’m soarin’
– 找到第二颗星,我太激动了
Then straight on to the morn’
– 然后直接到早晨去
I know that I’ll be fine
– 我知道我会没事的
‘Cause I know Peter Pan was right
– 因为我知道彼得潘是对的

And I don’t care if I never land
– 我不在乎我是否从未着陆
‘Cause the distant sky’s always better than
– 因为遥远的天空总是比
My life right now and the place I am
– 我现在的生活和我现在的地方
So for one last time, I guess Peter Pan
– 所以最后一次,我想彼得潘

I guess Peter Pan was right
– 我想彼得潘是对的
Growing up’s a waste of time
– 长大是浪费时间
So I think I’ll fly away
– 所以我想我会飞走
Set a course for brighter days
– 为光明的日子设定一条路线
Find the second star, I’m soarin’
– 找到第二颗星,我太激动了
Then straight on to the morn’
– 然后直接到早晨去
I know that I’ll be fine
– 我知道我会没事的
‘Cause I know Peter Pan was right
– 因为我知道彼得潘是对的






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