Cafuné – Tek It 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Where did you learn what it means to reciprocate?
– 你从哪里学到回报意味着什么?
And how much can I be expected to tolerate?
– 我能忍受多少?
So I started to think about the plans I made
– 所以我开始思考我所做的计划
The debt unpaid
– 未偿还的债务
And you just can’t call
– 你就是不能打电话
A spade a spade
– 铁锹,铁锹

I watch the moon
– 我看月亮
Let it run my mood
– 让它运行我的心情
Can’t stop thinking of you
– 不停地想着你
I watch you (Now I let it go)
– 我看着你(现在我放手了)
(And I watch as things play out like)
– (我看着事情的发展)
So long nice to know you I’ll be
– 很高兴认识你,我会的
Moving on
– 继续前进

We started off in such a nice place
– 我们是在这么好的地方出发的
We were talking the same language
– 我们说的是同一种语言
I open and I’m closing
– 我打开,我关闭
You can’t stand the thought
– 你无法忍受这种想法
Of a real beating heart
– 一颗真正跳动的心脏
You’d be holding, having trouble
– 你会有麻烦的
Owning and admit that
– 拥有并承认
I am hoping
– 我希望

I watch the moon
– 我看月亮
Let it run my mood
– 让它运行我的心情
Can’t stop thinking of you
– 不停地想着你
I watch you (Now I let it go)
– 我看着你(现在我放手了)
(And I watch as things play out like)
– (我看着事情的发展)
So long nice to know you I’ll be
– 很高兴认识你,我会的
Moving on
– 继续前进
Moving on
– 继续前进

– 你
Yeah I always know the truth
– 是的,我总是知道真相
But I can’t just say it to you
– 但我不能对你说
Yeah I know the truth
– 是的,我知道真相
I knew
– 我就知道
Yeah I always know the truth
– 是的,我总是知道真相
But I can’t just say it to you
– 但我不能对你说
Yeah I know the truth
– 是的,我知道真相

I never thought we’d see it through
– 我从没想过我们会看透它
I never could rely on you
– 我永远不能依靠你
And few times your face came
– 有几次你的脸出现了
Into view
– 进入视野
Into view
– 进入视野
I’m not into you
– 我不喜欢你
Into you
– 进入你






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