City Sessions Feat. Citycreed – The Nights 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Once upon a younger year
– 曾几何时年轻的一年
When all our shadows disappeared
– 当我们所有的影子都消失了
The animals inside came out to play
– 里面的动物出来玩
Went face to face with all our fears
– 面对我们所有的恐惧
Learned our lessons through the tears
– 从眼泪中吸取教训
Made memories we knew would never fade
– 让我们知道的记忆永远不会消失

One day my father, he told me
– 有一天我父亲告诉我
“Son, don’t let it slip away”
– “儿子,别让它溜走了”
He took me in his arms, I heard him say
– 他把我抱在怀里,我听到他说
“When you get older”
– “当你变老”
“Your wild heart will live for younger days”
– “你狂野的心会活到更年轻的日子”
“Think of me if ever you’re afraid”
– “想想我,如果你害怕”

He said, “One day you’ll leave this world behind”
– 他说”总有一天你会离开这个世界”
“So live a life you will remember”
– “所以过着你会记得的生活”
My father told me when I was just a child
– 当我还是个孩子的时候,我父亲告诉我
“These are the nights that never die”
– “这是永不消亡的夜晚”
My father told me
– 我父亲告诉我

My father told me when I was just a child
– 当我还是个孩子的时候,我父亲告诉我
“These are the nights that never die”
– “这是永不消亡的夜晚”

When thunder clouds start pouring down
– 当雷云开始倾泻而下
Light a fire they can’t put out
– 点燃他们无法扑灭的火
Carve your name into those shining stars
– 把你的名字刻在那些闪亮的星星上
He said, “Go venture far beyond the shores”
– 他说:”远到海边去冒险吧”
“Don’t forsake this life of yours”
– “不要放弃你的生命”
“I’ll guide you home, no matter where you are”
– “我会引导你回家,无论你在哪里”

One day my father, he told me
– 有一天我父亲告诉我
“Son, don’t let it slip away”
– “儿子,别让它溜走了”
When I was just a kid, I heard him say
– 当我还是个孩子的时候,我听他说
“When you get older”
– “当你变老”
“Your wild heart will live for younger days”
– “你狂野的心会活到更年轻的日子”
“Think of me if ever you’re afraid”
– “想想我,如果你害怕”

He said, “One day you’ll leave this world behind”
– 他说”总有一天你会离开这个世界”
“So live a life you will remember”
– “所以过着你会记得的生活”
My father told me when I was just a child
– 当我还是个孩子的时候,我父亲告诉我
“These are the nights that never die”
– “这是永不消亡的夜晚”
My father told me
– 我父亲告诉我

My father told me when I was just a child
– 当我还是个孩子的时候,我父亲告诉我
“These are the nights that never die”
– “这是永不消亡的夜晚”
My father told me
– 我父亲告诉我






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