Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Red Right Hand 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Take a little walk to the edge of town
– 到镇边散散步
And go across the tracks
– 穿过铁轨
Where the viaduct looms
– 高架桥织机的地方
Like a bird of doom
– 就像一只末日之鸟
As it shifts and cracks
– 当它移动和破裂时
Where secrets lie in the border fires
– 边境火灾中的秘密
In the humming wires
– 在嗡嗡的电线
Hey man, you know
– 嘿,伙计,你知道的
You’re never coming back
– 你再也不会回来了
Past the square, past the bridge
– 经过广场,经过桥
Past the mills, past the stacks
– 经过磨坊,经过堆垛
On a gathering storm comes
– 暴风雨来了
A tall handsome man
– 一个高大英俊的男人
In a dusty black coat with
– 穿着一件满是灰尘的黑色外套,
A red right hand
– 一只红色的右手

He’ll wrap you in his arms
– 他会把你抱在怀里
Tell you that you’ve been a good boy
– 告诉你你是个好孩子
He’ll rekindle all the dreams
– 他会重燃所有的梦
It took you a lifetime to destroy
– 你花了一辈子的时间才毁灭
He’ll reach deep into the hole
– 他会深入洞里
Heal your shrinking soul
– 治愈你萎缩的灵魂
But there won’t be a single thing
– 但不会有一件事
That you can do
– 你能做到的
He’s a god, he’s a man
– 他是神,他是人
He’s a ghost, he’s a guru
– 他是个鬼,他是个大师
They’re whispering his name
– 他们在窃窃私语他的名字
Through this disappearing land
– 穿过这片消失的土地

But hidden in his coat
– 但藏在他的外套里

Is a red right hand
– 是红色的右手

You don’t have no money?
– 你没有钱?
He’ll get you some
– 他会给你一些
You don’t have no car?
– 你没有车吗?
He’ll get you one
– 他会给你一个
You don’t have no self-respect
– 你没有自尊
You feel like an insect
– 你觉得自己像一只昆虫
Well don’t you worry buddy
– 好吧,别担心,伙计
‘Cause here he comes
– 因为他来了
Through the ghettos and the barrio
– 穿过贫民区和巴里奥

And the bowery and the slum
– 还有鲍威里和贫民窟
A shadow is cast wherever he stands
– 无论他站在哪里,都会投下阴影

Stacks of green paper in his
– 成堆的绿纸在他的
Red right hand
– 红色右手

You’ll see him in your nightmares
– 你会在噩梦中看到他
You’ll see him in your dreams
– 你会在梦里看到他
He’ll appear out of nowhere but
– 他会突然出现,但
He ain’t what he seems
– 他不是他看起来的那样
You’ll see him in your head
– 你会看到他在你的脑海里
On the TV screen
– 在电视屏幕上
And hey buddy, I’m warning
– 嘿,伙计,我警告你
You to turn it off
– 你把它关掉
He’s a ghost, he’s a god
– 他是鬼,他是神
He’s a man, he’s a guru
– 他是个男人,他是个大师
You’re one microscopic cog
– 你是一个微小的齿轮
In his catastrophic plan
– 在他的灾难性计划中
Designed and directed by
– 设计及指导
His red right hand
– 他的红色右手






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