One Direction – Night Changes 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

Goin’ out tonight, changes into something red
– 今晚出去,换上红色的东西
Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress
– 她妈妈不喜欢那种衣服
Everything she never had, she’s showin’ off
– 她从未拥有过的一切,她都在炫耀

Drivin’ too fast, moon is breaking through her hair
– 开得太快了,月亮正冲破她的头发
She’s heading for something that she won’t forget
– 她要去做一件她不会忘记的事
Having no regrets is all that she really wants
– 没有遗憾是她真正想要的

We’re only gettin’ older, baby
– 我们只是在变老,宝贝
And I’ve been thinkin’ about it lately
– 我最近一直在想
Does it ever drive you crazy
– 它会让你发疯吗?
Just how fast the night changes?
– 夜晚变化有多快?

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– 你梦寐以求的一切
Disappearing, when you wake up
– 消失,当你醒来
But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– 但没什么好怕的
Even when the night changes
– 即使夜变
It will never change me and you
– 它永远不会改变我和你

Chasing it tonight, doubts are running ’round her head
– 今晚追逐它,怀疑在她的脑海里转来转去
He’s waiting, hides behind a cigarette
– 他在等,藏在香烟后面
Heart is beating loud, and she doesn’t want it to stop
– 心脏在跳动,她不想停止

Movin’ too fast, moon is lighting up her skin
– 动作太快了,月亮正在照亮她的皮肤
She’s falling, doesn’t even know it yet
– 她摔倒了,还不知道呢
Havin’ no regrets is all that she really wants
– 她真正想要的就是无怨无悔

We’re only gettin’ older, baby
– 我们只是在变老,宝贝
And I’ve been thinkin’ about it lately
– 我最近一直在想
Does it ever drive you crazy
– 它会让你发疯吗?
Just how fast the night changes?
– 夜晚变化有多快?

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– 你梦寐以求的一切
Disappearing when you wake up
– 当你醒来时消失
But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– 但没什么好怕的
Even when the night changes
– 即使夜变
It will never change me and you
– 它永远不会改变我和你

Goin’ out tonight, changes into something red
– 今晚出去,换上红色的东西
Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress
– 她妈妈不喜欢那种衣服
Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost
– 让她想起她失去的那片纯真

We’re only gettin’ older, baby
– 我们只是在变老,宝贝
And I’ve been thinkin’ about it lately
– 我最近一直在想
Does it ever drive you crazy
– 它会让你发疯吗?
Just how fast the night changes?
– 夜晚变化有多快?

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of
– 你梦寐以求的一切
Disappearing when you wake up
– 当你醒来时消失
But there’s nothing to be afraid of
– 但没什么好怕的
Even when the night changes
– 即使夜变

It will never change, baby
– 它永远不会改变,宝贝
It will never change, baby
– 它永远不会改变,宝贝
It will never change me and you
– 它永远不会改变我和你






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