Paolo Sandejas – Sorry 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

Welcome back to my mind
– 欢迎回到我的脑海
Make yourself at home
– 别拘束
It’s been a while
– 好久不见了
Since I thought of you last
– 自从我上次想起你
Left it all in the past
– 把这一切都留在过去
Seem like you’re doing fine
– 看起来你做得很好
You’ve got the world at your feet
– 世界就在你的脚下
Do you know…
– 你知道吗。..
That you make me so proud
– 你让我如此骄傲

And I know you aren’t mine
– 我知道你不是我的
But this will only take a moment of your time
– 但这只需要你花点时间
And I don’t mean to be a bother
– 我不想麻烦你
But there are some things I’ve left to say…
– 但我还有些话要说。..
To you
– 给你

I’m sorry for asking for more
– 我很抱歉要求更多
For not trying cause I was scared
– 因为没有尝试,因为我很害怕
Of being too needy
– 太穷了
I just hope that one day
– 我只希望有一天
You’ll need me the way that I need you
– 你需要我就像我需要你一样

I know that you loved him
– 我知道你爱他
I saw the tears in your eyes as they fell
– 我看到你眼里的泪水
Onto my shoulder
– 到我肩上
I wanted to hold you forever
– 我想永远抱着你
And tell you that
– 告诉你
It’s not your fault don’t you cry
– 这不是你的错别哭
Sometimes things just don’t work out
– 有时事情就是没有成功
Believe me if they did
– 相信我,如果他们做到了
You’d still be mine to hold
– 你还是我的

And I know you aren’t mine
– 我知道你不是我的
But this will only take a moment of your time
– 但这只需要你花点时间
And I don’t mean to be a bother
– 我不想麻烦你
But there are some things I’ve left to say…
– 但我还有些话要说。..
To you
– 给你

I’m sorry for asking for more
– 我很抱歉要求更多
For not trying cause I was scared
– 因为没有尝试,我很害怕
Of being too needy
– 太穷了
I just hope that one day
– 我只希望有一天
You’ll need me
– 你需要我

Don’t leave me now darling
– 别离开我亲爱的
You said it’d be us in the end
– 你说最后会是我们
And now that we’re older
– 现在我们长大了
Don’t you think
– 你不觉得吗?
That we can try again
– 我们可以再试一次

I’m sorry for asking for more
– 我很抱歉要求更多
For not trying cause I was scared
– 因为没有尝试,我很害怕
Of being too needy, of being too needy
– 太穷,太穷

So welcome back to my mind
– 所以欢迎回到我的脑海
Make yourself at home
– 别拘束
It’s been a while
– 好久不见了
Since I thought of you last
– 自从我上次想起你






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