Sam Fender – Spit Of You 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

They say I’m the spit of you
– 他们说我是你的唾沫
And they’re not wrong
– 他们没有错
Bury my head too
– 把我的头也埋了
Stomach hurts all the time
– 胃一直疼
Can’t shift it
– 移不开
Been like that since eight
– 从八岁起就这样了

Knotted up with the baggage
– 与行李打结
Neck like a stone
– 脖子像石头
All sounds just like you
– 一切听起来都和你一样
Smashing cups off the floor
– 把杯子从地板上砸下来
And kicking walls through
– 把墙踢穿
That’s me and you
– 那是我和你

I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can’t talk to you
– 我不能跟你说话
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can’t talk to you
– 我不能跟你说话

You kissed her forehead
– 你吻了她的额头
And it ran like a tap
– 它像水龙头一样跑
No more than four stone soaked wet through
– 不超过四块石头湿透了
And I’d never seen you like that
– 我从没见过你这样
Spun me out
– 把我赶出去
Hurt me right through
– 直接伤害我

‘Cause it was love
– 因为那是爱
In all its agony
– 在所有的痛苦中
Every bit of me
– 我的每一点
Hurting for you
– 为你受伤
‘Cause one day that’ll be your forehead I’m kissing
– 因为总有一天我会亲吻你的额头
And I’ll still look exactly like you
– 我还是会和你一模一样

And I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can’t talk to you
– 我不能跟你说话
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can’t talk to you
– 我不能跟你说话
– 嘿

I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can’t talk to you
– 我不能跟你说话

And I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can talk to anyone
– 我可以和任何人交谈
I can’t talk to you
– 我不能跟你说话
Come on, hey
– 来吧,嘿






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