Striking Matches – Waiting (From the Motion Picture “The Secret: Dare to Dream”) 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

It’s so strange you would find me
– 你能找到我真是太奇怪了
When everything’s falling apart, and I’m broken inside
– 当一切都崩溃了,我内心破碎了
I’ve been holding the ends of my rope for what feels like forever
– 我一直握着绳子的两端,感觉就像永远一样
And the world crashes down on me, and I still don’t know why
– 世界崩溃了我,我仍然不知道为什么

Maybe I should or maybe I shouldn’t
– 也许我应该或者也许我不应该
That’s what keeps me awake when I’m thinking of you
– 当我想起你的时候,这就是让我保持清醒的原因
I don’t wanna pretend something’s there in case that it isn’t
– 我不想假装有什么东西在那里,以防它不是
But I can’t help but wonder
– 但我不禁怀疑
If you’re feeling it too
– 如果你也有这种感觉

Waiting for the weight of the world to get lighter
– 等待世界的重量变轻
The dark of the night to get brighter
– 黑夜的黑暗变得更明亮
And shine on me
– 照耀着我

I’ll hold on
– 我会坚持住的
If hope is wherever I find it
– 如果希望在我找到的地方
And love is in front of my eyes
– 而爱就在我眼前
I hope I’ll see
– 我希望我能看到

Just give me a sign that this is all meant to be
– 给我一个信号,表明这一切都是命中注定的
And I’ll keep waiting
– 我会一直等
And I’ll keep waiting
– 我会一直等
– 哦-哦

Close my eyes and wait for tomorrow
– 闭上眼睛等待明天
And hope that the millions of pieces fall into place
– 并希望数以百万计的碎片到位
I still believe in second chances
– 我仍然相信第二次机会
And that the sun will come up in the morning, and I’ll be okay
– 太阳会在早上升起,我会没事的

Waiting for the weight of the world to get lighter
– 等待世界的重量变轻
The dark of the night to get brighter
– 黑夜的黑暗变得更明亮
And shine on me
– 照耀着我

I’ll hold on
– 我会坚持住的
If hope is wherever I find it
– 如果希望在我找到的地方
And love is in front of my eyes
– 而爱就在我眼前
I hope I’ll see
– 我希望我能看到

Just give me a sign that this is all meant to be
– 给我一个信号,表明这一切都是命中注定的
And I’ll keep waiting
– 我会一直等

Waiting for the weight of the world to get lighter
– 等待世界的重量变轻
And dark of the night to get brighter
– 黑夜变得更亮
And shine on me
– 照耀着我

Ooh, I’ll hold on
– 哦,我会坚持住的
If hope is wherever I find it
– 如果希望在我找到的地方
And love is in front of my eyes
– 而爱就在我眼前
I hope I’ll see
– 我希望我能看到

Just give me a sign that this is all meant to be
– 给我一个信号,表明这一切都是命中注定的
And I’ll keep waiting
– 我会一直等
And I’ll keep waiting
– 我会一直等
And I’ll keep waiting
– 我会一直等






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