
About The Latin Language

The Indo-European language family is a member of the Italic group. Latin, I.He. 2. it is the language of the tribes who settled in Latium in the Millennium. The different forms of Latin spoken by the ruling class of Rome have become the literary and official language of Italy with the strengthening of the novel. I. e.He. 1. at the end of the Republican period and at the beginning of the Imperial Period, The Classical Latin language emerged with the efforts of the Roman writers in the century. However, when the Latin Empire spread from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, the Latin language, which was spoken by the peoples of the countries that received it, was broken.; in addition, the people’s Latin spoken by the Roman plebs, consisting of Latinos and non-Latinos, over time distorted their official language. During the last period of the Roman Empire, the Latin language was divided into many dialects. The Germanic invasions further accelerated this division, and in various parts of the Roman Empire, Latin has undergone another evolution, and many languages, called “Roman languages,” have emerged. Today, the Latin language, which is the dead language, is used only in the Catholic Church.

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