
Spanish Grammar

In Spanish, sentences are grouped into two groups: name phrases and business sentences.
Name phrases: sentences that declare a person, goods or animals. They are used to report the existence of a person or something or to provide information about them.
For example: Ali es un niño. Ali is a child.
Éste es un libro. = This is a book.
Éste es un gato. It’s a cat.
Job statements: these are the statements that describe the work done, done, to be done and planned to be done.

We cannot specify the Turkish equivalent of the definitions that are not used in Turkish. Definitions in Spanish are always used. The names can be masculine (masculino) and feminine (femenino), separated into two parts: indefinido (indefinido) and certain (definido). They receive a plural attachment depending on whether or not they are plural.

Singular Plural)
El libro. = Book) los libros. = Books.
Ea Niña. = Girl) las niñas. = Woman.
Un libro. = A book. Unos libros. = Several books, some books.
Una niña. = A girl. Unas niñas. = Several girls, some girls.

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