Elis Regina – Dois Pra Lá, Dois Pra Cá Portuguese Lyrics English Translations

Sentindo frio em minh’alma
– Feeling cold in Minh’alma
Te convidei pra dançar
– I invited you to dance
A tua voz me acalmava
– Your voice calmed me
São dois prá lá, dois prá cá
– It’s two there, two here

Meu coração traiçoeiro
– My treacherous heart
Batia mais que o bongô
– Beat more than the bongô
Tremia mais que as maracas
– Trembled more than the maracas
Descompassado de amor
– Uncompressed love

Minha cabeça rodando
– My head spinning
Rodava mais que os casais
– Ran more than couples
O teu perfume gardênia
– Your Gardenia perfume
E não me perguntes mais
– And don’t ask me any more

A tua mão no pescoço
– Your hand on your neck
As tuas costas macias
– Your soft back
Por quanto tempo rondaram
– How long have you been hanging around
As minhas noites vazias
– My empty nights

No dedo, um falso brilhante
– On the finger, a bright fake
Brincos iguais ao colar
– Earrings equal to necklace
E a ponta de um torturante
– And the tip of a torturer
Band-aid no calcanhar
– Band-aid on the heel

Eu hoje, me embriagando
– Me today, getting drunk
De wisky com guaraná
– From wisky with guarana
Ouvi tua voz murmurando
– I heard your voice murmuring
São dois prá lá, dois prá cá
– It’s two there, two here

No dedo, um falso brilhante
– On the finger, a bright fake
Brincos iguais ao colar
– Earrings equal to necklace
E a ponta de um torturante
– And the tip of a torturer
Band-aid no calcanhar
– Band-aid on the heel

Eu hoje, me embriagando
– Me today, getting drunk
De wisky com guaraná
– From wisky with guarana
Ouvi tua voz murmurando
– I heard your voice murmuring
São dois prá lá, dois prá cá
– It’s two there, two here

Dejaste abandonada la ilusión
– You left the illusion abandoned
Que había en mi corazón por ti
– That was in my heart for you

Dejaste abandonada la ilusión
– You left the illusion abandoned
Que había en mi corazón por ti
– That was in my heart for you

Dejaste abandonada la ilusión
– You left the illusion abandoned
Que había en mi corazón por ti…
– That I was in my heart for you…






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