Elisa – Na Ilha Portuguese Lyrics English Translations

Quando hei de parar?
– When do I stop?
Os pés não sabem o trilho
– Feet don’t know the rail
Sinto falta do ar da vila
– I miss the air of the village
Do sossego, o abraço e o brilho
– From the quiet, the hug and the glow

Do olhar dos meus pais
– From the look of my parents
Da ternura dos avós
– From the tenderness of grandparents
A vontade de querer mais
– The will to want more
Não me deixa calar a voz
– Don’t let me shut up

Eu nasci do sol, longe dos Himalaias
– I was born from the sun, far from the Himalayas
Cresci girassol, mesmo junto à praia
– I grew sunflower, right by the beach
Se houvesse maneira de chegar aí
– If there was a way to get there
Eu correria como nunca corri
– I would run like I never ran
Até ti
– To you

Maré cheia, gente rasa
– High tide, shallow people
Sou como um peixe nesta rede
– I’m like a fish in this net
Quero voltar a minha casa
– I want to go back to my house
Nada aqui me mata a sede
– Nothing here kills my thirst

Eu nasci do sol, longe dos Himalaias
– I was born from the sun, far from the Himalayas
Cresci girassol, mesmo junto à praia
– I grew sunflower, right by the beach
Se houvesse maneira de chegar aí
– If there was a way to get there
Eu correria como nunca corri
– I would run like I never ran
Até ti
– To you

Eu iria, mas sem deixar o que tenho aqui
– I would, but without leaving what I have here
Há que viver assim
– You have to live like this
E um dia vou encontrar a saída
– And one day I’ll find the way out
Deste labirinto, e eu vou ficar aí
– Of this maze, and I’ll stay there
Na ilha
– On the island

Eu nasci do sol, longe dos Himalaias
– I was born from the sun, far from the Himalayas
Cresci girassol, mesmo junto à praia
– I grew sunflower, right by the beach
Se houvesse maneira de chegar aí
– If there was a way to get there
Eu correria como nunca corri
– I would run like I never ran

Eu nasci do sol, longe dos Himalaias
– I was born from the sun, far from the Himalayas
Cresci girassol, mesmo junto à praia
– I grew sunflower, right by the beach
Se houvesse maneira de chegar aí
– If there was a way to get there
Eu correria como nunca corri
– I would run like I never ran
Até ti
– To you






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