Te regalo una rosa
– I give you a rose
La encontré en el camino
– I found her on the way
No sé si está desnuda
– I do not know if she is naked
O tiene un solo vestido
– Or has only one dress
No, no lo sé
– No, I don’t know.
Si la riega el verano
– If you water it in summer
O se embriaga de olvido
– Or get drunk with oblivion
Si alguna vez fue amada
– If she was ever loved
O tiene amores escondidos
– Or has hidden loves
Ay, ay ay ay, amor
– Ay, ay ay, love
Eres la rosa que me da calor
– You are the rose that gives me warmth
Eres el sueño de mi soledad
– You are the dream of my loneliness
Un letargo de azul
– A lethargy of blue
Un eclipse de mar, pero
– An eclipse of the sea, but
Ay, ay ay ay, amor
– Ay, ay ay, love
Yo soy satélite y tú eres mi sol
– I am a satellite and you are my sun
Un universo de agua mineral
– A universe of mineral water
Un espacio de luz
– A space of light
Que solo llenas tu, ay amor
– That only you fill, oh love
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
Ay ay ay ay
– Ay ay ay
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
Ay ay ay ay
– Ay ay ay
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
(Tirih) Tirih
– (Tirih) Tirih
Te regalo mis manos
– I give you my hands
Mis párpados caídos
– My drooping eyelids
El beso más profundo
– The deepest kiss
El que se ahoga en un gemido, oh
– He who drowns in a groan, oh
Te regalo un otoño
– I give you an autumn
Un día entre abril y junio
– One day between April and June
Un rayo de ilusiones
– A ray of illusions
Un corazón al desnudo
– A naked heart
Ay, ay ay ay, amor
– Ay, ay ay, love
Eres la rosa que me da calor
– You are the rose that gives me warmth
Eres el sueño de mi soledad
– You are the dream of my loneliness
Un letargo de azul
– A lethargy of blue
Un eclipse de mar, vida
– An eclipse of the sea, life
Ay, ay ay ay, amor
– Ay, ay ay, love
Yo soy satélite y tú eres mi sol
– I am a satellite and you are my sun
Un universo de agua mineral
– A universe of mineral water
Un espacio de luz
– A space of light
Que solo llenas tú, ay amor
– That only you fill, oh love
Ay, ay ay ay, amor
– Ay, ay ay, love
Eres la rosa que me da calor
– You are the rose that gives me warmth
Eres el sueño de mi soledad
– You are the dream of my loneliness
Un letargo de azul
– A lethargy of blue
Un eclipse de mar, pero
– An eclipse of the sea, but
Ay, ay ay ay, amor
– Ay, ay ay, love
Yo soy satélite y tú eres mi sol
– I am a satellite and you are my sun
Un universo de agua mineral
– A universe of mineral water
Un espacio de luz
– A space of light
Que solo llenas tú, ay amor
– That only you fill, oh love
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
Ay ay ay ay
– Ay ay ay
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
Ay ay ay ay
– Ay ay ay
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
(Tirih) Tirih
– (Tirih) Tirih
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
Ay ay ay ay
– Ay ay ay
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
Ay ay ay ay
– Ay ay ay
Turu ruru rura
– Turu ruru rura
(Tirih) Tirih tirih
– (Tirih) Tirih tirih

Juan Luis Guerra – Bachata Rosa Spanish Lyrics English Translations
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