Julio Iglesias – Pobre Diablo Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Hoy pasaste por mi lado
– Today you passed by me
Sin fijarte, sin mirarme, veo tus brazos
– Without looking, without looking at me, I see your arms
No quisiera ni pensarlo
– I wouldn’t even want to think about it.
Pero sigo, como un tonto, enamorado
– But I’m still, like a fool, in love

Quién pudiera estar contigo y ser el otro
– Who could be with you and be the other
Yo sabría retenerte, poco a poco
– I would know how to keep you, little by little
Y es que a fuerza de ignorarme has conseguido
– And it is that by ignoring me you have achieved
Que te quiera como a nadie yo he querido
– That I love you like no one I have loved

Tú no sabes qué se siente
– You don’t know what it feels like
Cuando alguien que tú quieres no te quiere
– When someone you love doesn’t love you
Quién diría que a mis años
– Who would have thought that at my age
Por tu culpa, yo me siento un pobre diablo
– Because of you, I feel like a poor devil

Pobre diablo
– Poor devil.
Pobre diablo
– Poor devil.

Quién pudiera estar contigo y ser el otro
– Who could be with you and be the other
Yo sabría retenerte poco a poco
– I would know how to keep you little by little
Y es que a fuerza de ignorarme has conseguido
– And it is that by ignoring me you have achieved
Que te quiera como a nadie yo he querido
– That I love you like no one I have loved

Tú no sabes qué se siente
– You don’t know what it feels like
Cuando alguien que tú quieres no te quiere
– When someone you love doesn’t love you
Quién diría que a mis años
– Who would have thought that at my age
Por tu culpa, yo me siento un pobre diablo
– Because of you, I feel like a poor devil

Pobre diablo
– Poor devil.
Pobre diablo
– Poor devil.
Un pobre diablo
– A poor devil






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