Da li bi sijalo sunce
– Will the sun shine
Kad ne bi bio sa mnom?
– If you weren’t with me?
Dal bi presušile reke
– The distance will run out of the river
I dal bi nebo bilo plavo?
– And let the sky be blue?
Šta će mi život bez tebe
– Why would I live without you?
Kada ljubav si mi dao?
– When did you give me love?
I znaš da nikad ne bih podnela to
– And you know I would never accept that
Da nas razdvoje, jer život si moj
– To separate us because you are my life
Ko da prazna mi je duša
– Who yes my soul is empty
Telo mi je napola od karata i nisi tu
– My body is half made of cards, and you’re not here
Ne mogu vreme da vratim
– I can’t get the time back
A sećanja mi naviru i slike su pred očima u snu
– And memories come to me, and images before my eyes in a dream
A našu ljubav niko ne može da brani
– And no one can protect our love
To što ti drugi kažu, veruj zanemari
– What others tell you, believe me, ignore
Dajem ti vremena lej-lej
– I’m giving you lei-lei time
Želim te danima, bejbe
– I want you for a few days, baby
Da li bi sijalo sunce
– Will the sun shine
Kad ne bi bio sa mnom?
– If you weren’t with me?
Dal bi presušile reke
– The distance will run out of the river
I dal bi nebo bilo plavo?
– And let the sky be blue?
Šta će mi život bez tebe
– Why would I live without you?
Kada ljubav si mi dao?
– When did you give me love?
I znaš da nikad ne bih podnela to
– And you know I would never accept that
Da nas razdvoje, jer život si moj
– To separate us because you are my life
I ove noći ja te čuvam
– And tonight I keep you safe
Ne dam niko da te gleda ja sam samo tvoj
– I won’t let anyone look at you I’m only yours
I ovo ludilo me hvata
– And this madness catches me
I mnogo bi me bolelo da nismo zajedno
– And it would hurt me a lot if we weren’t together.
A našu ljubav niko ne može da brani
– And no one can protect our love
To što ti drugi kažu, veruj zanemari
– What others tell you, believe me, ignore
Dajem ti vremena lej-lej
– I’m giving you lei-lei time
Želim te danima, bejbe
– I want you for a few days, baby
Da li bi sijalo sunce
– Will the sun shine
Kad ne bi bio sa mnom?
– If you weren’t with me?
Dal bi presušile reke
– The distance will run out of the river
I dal bi nebo bilo plavo?
– And let the sky be blue?
Šta će mi život bez tebe
– Why would I live without you?
Kada ljubav si mi dao?
– When did you give me love?
I znaš da nikad ne bih podnela to
– And you know I would never accept that
Da nas razdvoje, jer život si moj
– To separate us because you are my life
Život si moj
– You are my life

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