Sam Fender – Aye Lyrics

They don’t act up for the camera.
They just sit back and command them
And collect and deflect and abandon.
They even wrote all the Ten Commandments.
They watched Jesus get nailed to the cross
In real-time and in their heads.

They watched Boudica fall to the Romans.
They watched Lennon as they shot him dead.
They watched Jackie pick up Kennedy’s head.
They watched kids go to Epstein’s bed.
They watched Hollywood whitewash remake movies
Of napalm falling like water on rocks.

They watched the atom bomb reduce two cities to dust
And paint the whole narrative as totally just.
They fly drones above our heads
That paint the ground black and red.
Children’s eyes clasped in dread.
They all knew where it led.

Trade ties steeped in guile.
They knew the fall was coming all the while
And they double down on misery,
The age-old blatant mystery,
Subterfuge in synergy.

Poor hate the poor,
Hate the poor,
Hate the poor,
Hate the poor.

Poor hate the poor,
Hate the poor,
Hate the poor,
Hate the poor.

It’s a blame game, it’s a fame trap.
It’s the martyrdom of the spoken.
It’s the last breath of the awoken.
And the woke kids are just dickheads
And the dickheads are all ages
And everybody’s pointing at somebody’s sweetheart.
I’m a scumbag making my peace with the internal drag.
Making my thesis on the faceless man.
He’s got the whole world in his fucking hand!

I don’t have time for the very few!
They never had time for me and you!
I don’t have time for the very few!
They never had time for me and you!
I don’t have time for the very few!
They never have time for me and you!
I don’t have time for the very few!
They never have time for me and you!
I don’t have time for the very few!
They never have time for me and you!

I’m not a fucking patriot anymore!
I’m not a fucking singer anymore!
I’m not a fucking liberal anymore!
I’m not a fucking anything or anyone!
I’m not a fucking anything or…!
I’m not a fucking anything!
I’m not a fucking!
I’m not a…!
I’m not a, I’m not, aye!






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