Zapresic Boys Feat. Opća Opasnost – 8 Slova Bosnians Lyrics English Translations

Kad sklopim oči tada vidim samo nju
– When I close my eyes then I see only her
Usred noći svu obasjalu
– In the middle of the night all obasjalu
U mraku čujem samo “volim te”
– In the dark I hear a “I love you”
Tihi šapat “ne mogu bez nje”
– Silent whisper “I can’t do without her”

Polako tako krene
– Slowly coming along
I ulazi u mene
– And get at me

Ime tvoje venama će proć’
– The name of your veins will when’
Srcu ide sigurno će doć’
– My heart goes’m sure will come’
Tu sad piše osjećam te ja
– There now it says I feel you I
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia
Znam da venama će proć’
– I know that veins will when’
Srcu idu sigurno će doć’
– Heart go he will surely come’
Tu sad piše osjećam te ja
– There now it says I feel you I
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia

Kao zvijezda što visko na nebu sja
– Like the star that high in the sky shines
Iznad gora iznad planina
– Above the worse above the mountains
Daleko gore u visinama
– Far up in the heights
Tebe čuva bezbroj godina
– You keep dozens years

Polako tako krene
– Slowly coming along
I ulazi u mene
– And get at me

Ime tvoje venama će proć’
– The name of your veins will when’
Srcu ide sigurno će doć’
– My heart goes’m sure will come’
Tu sad piše osjećam te ja
– There now it says I feel you I
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia
Znam da venama će proć’
– I know that veins will when’
Srcu idu sigurno će doć’
– Heart go he will surely come’
Tu sad piše osjećam te ja
– There now it says I feel you I
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia

– Ooooooooo

Ime tvoje venama će proć’
– The name of your veins will when’
Srcu ide sigurno će doć’
– My heart goes’m sure will come’
Tu sad piše osjećam te ja
– There now it says I feel you I
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia
Znam da venama će proć’
– I know that veins will when’
Srcu idu sigurno će doć’
– Heart go he will surely come’
Tu sad piše osjećam te ja
– There now it says I feel you I
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia
Osam slova Hrvatska
– Eight letters, Croatia





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